
In: Computer Science

C language plzzzzzz Calc24isafamousmathgame. Now w would like to implement an advanced Calc24 calculator. Given n...

C language plzzzzzz

Calc24isafamousmathgame. Now w would like to implement an advanced Calc24 calculator. Given n integers, you need to verify whether 24 can be deduced with these numbers and four basic operators: ‘+’. ‘-’, ‘*’ and ‘/’. Note that every number can only be used once. Input The first line with two integers: n,t , where n denotes the number of integers in each group, t indicates the total number of groups that you need to verify. In following t lines, each represent n integers in that group. Output will be t lines. Each line prints either true or false, indicating whether 24 can be deduced from the corresponding line of input.

Sample input

4 3

2 4 10 10

4 6 1 1

1 1 1 1






Expert Solution

//As no logic difference and much syntax difference, writing the code in c++

vector<double> get(double a, double b) {
        vector<double> res;
        for(int op = 0; op < 4; ++op) {
            switch(op) {
                case 0:
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
        return res;
    double eps = 0.000000001;
    bool match(double x) {
        return abs(x-24.0) < eps;
    bool judgePoint24(vector<int>& nums) {
        bool ans = false;
        sort(nums.begin(), nums.end());
        do {
            // 1st and 2nd
            vector<double> _12 = get(1.0 * nums[0], 1.0 * nums[1]);
            // 3rd and 4th
            vector<double> _34 = get(1.0 * nums[2], 1.0 * nums[3]);
            // check _12 and _34
            for(double x: _12) {
                for(double y: _34) {
                    vector<double> res = get(x, y);
                    for(double z: res)
                            ans = true;
            vector<double> _123;
            // _12 and nums[2]
            for(double x: _12) {
                vector<double> r = get(x, 1.0 * nums[2]);
                _123.insert(_123.end(), r.begin(), r.end());
            // _123 and nums[3]
            vector<double> _1234;
            for(double x: _123) {
                vector<double> r = get(x, 1.0 * nums[3]);
                _1234.insert(_1234.end(), r.begin(), r.end());
            for(double z: _1234)
                    ans = true;
        } while(next_permutation(nums.begin(), nums.end()));
        return ans;

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