
In: Advanced Math

Question 5. Use MATLAB to solve for and plot the response of the following models for...

Question 5.

Use MATLAB to solve for and plot the response of the following models for 0≤t ≤1.5, where the input is f (t) =5t and the initial conditions are zero

a. 3¨ x +21˙ x +30x = f (t) b. 5¨

A (Turn in the MATLAB script and answers from MATLAB, .m file, screen shots if needed)

B (Turn in the MATLAB plot with t being time in SI units)

C Comment on the response the analytical solution compared with the MATLAB and the plots. (Do the calculations and MATLAB agree ? Why and Why not.? Do the plots make sense?)


Expert Solution

%Matlab code for solving differential equation
clear all
close all
syms x(t)
eqn = 3.*diff(x,t,2)+21.*diff(x,t,1)+30.*x(t)== 5.*t;
Dx = diff(x,t);
cond = [x(0)==0, Dx(0)==0];
ySol(t) = dsolve(eqn,cond);

fprintf('Displaying the analytical solution y(t)=\n')

%Initial conditions for ode
%Solution for equation using ode45
        %minimum and maximum time span
        tspan=[0 1.5];
        %Solution of ODEs using ode45 matlab function
        sol= ode45(@(t,x) odefcn1(t,x), tspan, x0);
        %Equally splitting time into .02 sec interval for 0 to 50
        t1 = linspace(tspan(1),tspan(end),1001);
        %yy is the corresponding x y v and z
        yy1 = deval(sol,t1);
%Plotting of x(t) y(t) and z(t)
hold on
legend('Exact solution','Numerical solution')
title('Plot for x vs. t')
box on; grid on;

%Function for evaluating the ODE
function dxdt = odefcn1(t,x)


    %Evaluate the ODE for our present problem
    dxdt = [eq1;eq2];

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%% End of Code %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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