
In: Psychology

17. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that student speech that appears in school-sponsored publications can be...

17. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that student speech that appears in school-sponsored publications can be regulated and censored permissibly as long as the school’s actions are reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns was created in which one of the following cases?

a. Tinker v. Des Moines School District

b. Morse v. Frederick

c. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

d. Bethel School District v. Fraser


What statement best describes the response of the nation’s courts to the libel defense neutral reportage?

a.   Nearly all courts have embraced it.

b.   About half of the courts accept it.

c.   Most courts have not adopted it.

d.   No court has yet accepted it.


Under the void for vagueness doctrine, a statute will be declared unconstitutional by a court if

a. there was a disagreement about its meaning among the legislators who adopted it.

b. it regulates a substantial amount of protected speech along with speech that is unprotected by the First Amendment.

c. a person of reasonable and ordinary intelligence would not be able to tell, from looking at its terms, what speech is allowed and what speech is prohibited.

d. a judge of reasonable competence and legal training would not be able to tell, from looking at its terms, what speech is allowed and what speech is prohibited.


Criminal libel suits are

a.   barred by the First Amendment.

b.   a problem for publishers in some regions of the United States.

c.   more commonly filed today than 25 years ago.

d.   more common than civil libel suits.


Which of the following was not a reason the Supreme Court used as a rationale in the New York Times v. Sullivan case?

a. A ruling for Sullivan would imperil the civil rights movement.

b. The case was really a seditious libel action.

c. The nation has a long-standing commitment to free and robust debate.

d. Public officials must expect criticism.


Expert Solution

17. The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that student speech that appears in school-sponsored publications can be regulated and censored permissibly as long as the school’s actions are reasonably related to legitimate pedagogical concerns was created in which one of the following cases?

ANSWER- c. Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier

21. What statement best describes the response of the nation’s courts to the libel defense neutral reportage?

ANSWER- c.   Most courts have not adopted it.

25. Under the void for vagueness doctrine, a statute will be declared unconstitutional by a court if-

ANSWER- c. a person of reasonable and ordinary intelligence would not be able to tell, from looking at its terms, what speech is allowed and what speech is prohibited.

29. Criminal libel suits are

ANSWER- b.   a problem for publishers in some regions of the United States.

37. Which of the following was not a reason the Supreme Court used as a rationale in the New York Times v. Sullivan case?

ANSWER- a. A ruling for Sullivan would imperil the civil rights movement.

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