
In: Psychology

1. What evidence does Chesnut offer to support her allegation about interracial sexual relations between owners...

1. What evidence does Chesnut offer to support her allegation about interracial sexual relations between owners and enslaved women. What value judgements does she make? Why does she call slavery “ a monstrous system”?

Answers should contain material quoted from the document and/or the course textbook and provide analysis/explanation of how the quoted material supports your response.
Mary Boykin Chesnut, A Confederate Lady's Diary (1861)

I wonder if it be a sin to think slavery a curse to any land. Sumner said not one word of this hated institution which is not true. Men & women are punished when their masters & mistresses are brutes & not when they do wrong-& then we live surrounded by prostitutes. An abandoned woman is sent out of any decent house elsewhere. Who thinks any worse of a Negro or Mulatto woman for being a thing we can't name. God forgive us, but ours is a monstrous system & wrong & iniquity. Perhaps the rest of the world is as bad. This is only what I see: like the patriarchs of old, our men live all in one house with their wives & their concubines, & the Mulattos one sees in every family exactly resemble the white children-& every lady tells you who is the father of all the Mulatto children in everybody's household, but those in her own, she seems to think drop from the clouds or pretends so to think-. Good women we have, but they talk of nastiness tho they never do wrong; they talk day & night of -. My disgust sometimes is boiling over-but they are, I believe, in conduct the purest women God ever made. Thank God for my countrywomen-alas for the men! No worse than men everywhere, but the lower their mistresses, the more degraded they must be.

My mother-in-law told me when I was first married not to send my female servants in the street on errands. They were there tempted, led astray-& then she said placidly, "So they told me when I came here-& I was very particular, but you see with what result." Mr. Harris said it was so patriarchal. So it is-flocks & herds & slaves-& wife Leah does not suffice. Rachel must be added, if not married & all the time they seem to think themselves patterns-models of husbands & fathers.

Mrs. Davis told me "everybody described my husband's father as an odd character, a Millionaire who did nothing for his son whatever, left him to struggle with poverty," &c. I replied, "Mr. Chesnut Senior thinks himself the best of fathers-& his son thinks likewise. I have nothing to say-but it is true, he has no money but what he makes as a lawyer," &c. Again I say, my countrywomen are as pure as angels-tho surrounded by another race who are-the social evil!


Expert Solution

Chesnut provides for assist her with valuing in regards to interracial sexual individuals from the family among proprietors and hampered ladies.By giving reference of women who're seriously rebuked when their masters shows like beasts now no longer at the grounds that

Salvian of Marseilles' discourse demonstration in De gubernatione Dei contrary to his Christian group roughly their sexual occupations and conduct as slaveholders. It's fought that as opposing confounding over the savage demonstration of subjugation in itself as a proof in the rear of shrewd scold and divine order, Salvian options the social disgrace that rose up out of the sexual obscenities Christian slaveholders submitted with their slaves. Salvian progresses three claims contrary to his rivals that dread servitude and sexual dangerous propensity. Directly off the bat, he advertises that Christian slaveholders don't have any prudence. Additionally, the polyamorous associations slaveholders have with severa slaves take while awful and two-went up against affiliations, predominantly living together or even association. Thirdly, Roman-Christian slaveholders keep up on for the term of an extra lousy method than animals (for instance the opposition of ethnicity)

The mouth subjugation,, is accordingly wont to extrapolate the atmosphere of God's order. for the length of this way, God's control, Salvian battles, looks like an extraordinary and without trouble pro rebuking his treacherous and savage slaves. Christians have disregarded to travel viewing as outstanding and devoted prisoners of God,three and Salvian battles that they're way and away extra repulsive than the basest of 'authentic' institutionally vanquished people. What we will be slanted to are aware of Salvian's expertise may clarify why he utilizes doulology thusly much of the time in GD. He in all chance started from the rich distinguished landowning tip high, as he demonstrates many skill in regards to life at the house area names of the Western Empire.


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