
In: Operations Management

Instruction: Choose something that YOU would like to discuss associated with these three subjects- empathy, emotions...

Instruction: Choose something that YOU would like to discuss associated with these three subjects- empathy, emotions at work, self-management. Write at least 150 words for each subject.


Expert Solution

I would like to discuss these three subjects with repect to the workplace.

1- Empathy- It means keeping yourself in someone else's shoes i.e. relating to his thoughts and experience. It is important to have empathy for the coworkers as it shows deep respect for their employee and making them a feel as a part of their team. It helps in developing a close relationship with the employee thus increases their productivity and increase there involvement in the company. It helps the employee to easily accept the failure as they will not be blamed for it rather a solution would be given. It helps the people to the understand the root cause of the situation and poor performance thus helping them to take proper measures. It can be used as tool for employee retention thus helps company in reducing the hiring cost. The empathetic companies has better business partners thus increasing the revenue of the company in the long run.

2- Emotions at work-

Emotions at work place are very important as we spend most of our time in workplace. We the social creature commonly face the issue of emotional outburst at workplace. Emotions can be distinguished as positive emotion (joy, compassion, love etc) as well as negative emotion (fear, anxiety, nervousness etc). It is very important to control the negative issues as it shows our professionalism. Thus company focuses on emotional quotient rather than intelligence quotient. The ways by which we can control our negative emotions are as follows-

1-Deep breathing and relaxation technique

2-10 seconds rule- count 1 to 10 when you are angry, irritated or frustrated

3-Release your negative emotions through exercise

4- Be aware of your trigger points.

5- Clarify with the other person

6- Do not make decisions when you are angry.

7-Be respectful with the others

8- Apologize for your wrong deeds

3- Self Management-

Self-management is managing oneself professionally as well as personally. Core of self-management is

  1. Manage time and commitment
  2. Capability to learn new things on our own and giving equal attention to existing work.
  3. Building personal network

It is important to manage ourselves because with time our responsibilities increases. Advantages of Self management are as follows

  1. It makes us organised and make our work easy
  2. One can get better project
  3. Recognition at work place
  4. It can increase promotion opportunities
  5. Self management includes setting up goals, thus achieving goals gives us the sense of confidence and thus increases our productivity
  6. It makes us reponsible for taking up new responsibilities.

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