What do you consider to be the advantages and
disadvantages of buying when issued stock rather...
What do you consider to be the advantages and
disadvantages of buying when issued stock rather than “regular way”
Expert Solution
Sl. No.
Purchase method
When issued stock
First issue, price discovery may not be perfect, hence shares
may be available at discount
No bias about the stock price history
Price discovery may not be perfect and hence shares may be
available pricey
No share price history for any analysis
Shares are available for purchase at a price band. You don't
have the flexibility to wait and watch and buy them when they
Shares are available for purchase in a window. You have to
necessarily purchase the shares within that window. You don't get
any flexibility for arranging liquidity
Regular purchase
Share price history is available
You can wait and watch and buy the stock when they are
You can by the share as per your wish when you have
Market can remain imperfect.
You can't time the market
Positive and negative biases created by analysts, media
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