
In: Nursing

Case Scenario: Mr Jones is in the doctors office for hus yearly physical. He reports feeling...

Case Scenario: Mr Jones is in the doctors office for hus yearly physical. He reports feeling tired, losing weight, and shortness of breath at tines. Since hus last visit he lost 25 pounds. He works for public power company and has for 10 years.

What tests would the doctor use to confirm his suspicions? Support your answer with data, facts, key terminology, specific examples, and other information drawn from the textbook and at least one supplemental source. Please include apprioriate citation and a resource list for all sources used.


Expert Solution

The patient seek medical care with problems of shortness of breath, fatigue and loss of weight. Appropriate diagnostic evaluation is needed to diagnose the disease condition. The diagnostic evaluation include

*general physical examination ___in this physical examination evaluate head to toe assessment to find out any problem and monitor vital signs of patient including respiration rate because patient have fatigue and shortness of breath.

:*patient have weight loss so should check the laboratory examination include blood study for CBC, thyroid function test,liver function test, and renal function test,and glucose monitor .

:*patient have shortness of breath so we should check

_oxygen test:by using pulse oxymetry to know the oxygen saturation.

_chest X-ray __it help to identify lung involvement

_CT scan :it help to identify problems deeply

_pulmonary function test :help to know the lung function

_electrocardiogram (ECG) to detect abnormalities in heart.

*Patient have fatigue so check the iron levels and sedimentation rate.

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