
In: Biology

using one of Murchie’s examples of a super-organism, answer both of the following: [i] how do...

using one of Murchie’s examples of a super-organism, answer both of the following: [i] how do super-organisms exemplify transcendence? [ii] how is a super-organism like a Type-1 Entity [in McKenna's sense]?


Expert Solution

The term superorganisms mean organisms that interact with each other synergetically.

best example example of the usperorganisms is the ants. some scientist even say that humans can be considered as a superorganism as it hosts thousand of other organisms.

1) super organisms exemplify transcendence because -

  • There is proper division of labour
  • The organisms are not left alone, they are alays together, helping each other.
  • The organisms are have different strats for different works , they will have a group of ants to bring food, then there will be other to protect the eggs and so on.
  • They also show a characterstic such as collective intelligence.

2) McKenna talked about need of snese of unity as our global problems are getting worse . As human , we dont have that sense of unity because of which there are wars . There are people hurting the ecosysytems for their individual gains.

super organisms have that ability that they coordinate well with each other and have a greater organised division of lebour . so they are like the type 1 entity.

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