healthcare organisatons are using business growth as a key
strategy frequently as there is increased demand fr heathcare
services from consumer patients and growthin disease managment
- innovation and digital transformation are the modes to increase
the quality of care ..
- integration of medicines and healthcare is digital accleration
is happening
- market access defining and patient care
- demographics, health insuranc epenetration ,medical value
travel advantage ,private hospitals integration
benefits of internal expansion
- less risk
- can be financed through internal funds profits
- build on business strengths barnds and customers
- buisness will grow sensibly
- better control coordination
- inexpensive
- growth expansions is dependent on the overall market
- hard to build in market share if business is anyways a
- slow growth as sharreholdrs may want more profits
- disecconomies of scale
- need to restructure
- dilution ofownershi
- franchises difficult to handlel