*The Cloud is changing our lives in many ways. While the
technology has been described and commented on at lenght
technically, very few studies have forced on its impact on everyday
2 Ways
- Secure storage of personal data-
- Here we have apps that memorize and store passwords, which can
synchronize data through cloud sercers.
- Providers have multiple solutions to guarantee
security,depending on the service.
- Most often, they rely on strong cryptography (also called
end-to-end) , which ensures that no one but the owner has access to
the passwords.
2 . Video stereaming platforms.
- we use on-demand streaming services for watching sports,
television, movies, and even live events, among other things,
They're all based entirely on the development of cloud computing
- The end-users benefit from affordable services even though
providers use expensive hardware and software in their
processes.That's possible through fragmenting the service so that
anyone can afford it.
- In this case, we're looking at several servers that cooperate
to facilitate streaming services.
- They also have recovery technologies to correct any
transmission errors, maintain a consistent video stream, and keep
it synchronized in real time,and so on.
Advantages of Cloud:-
- Cost Savings.
- Security.
- Flexibility.
- Mobility
- Insight
- Quality Control
- Disaster Recovery
- Loss prevention
- Automatic Software Updates
- Competitive Edge