
In: Operations Management

Comapny is APPLE, Inc Summarize the company. - Apple (who you are - Software developer) (Team...

Comapny is APPLE, Inc

Summarize the company. - Apple (who you are - Software developer) (Team you manage – App management ).

What type of training do your employee needs?

Why do they need training?

Need Analysis info

Determine an instructional scenario where new or revised training is appropriate; where there is an obvious gap between knowledge and performance.

Determine what techniques you will use to gather data to substantiate the instructional need (surveys,questionnaires, interviews, etc).

Develop a needs assessment instrument.

Survey your target population/gather data.

Collect/analyze data.

Write a summary of the needs assessment data that includes the following:

- a description of your target population based on your analysis

- a description of the instructional need your team has uncovered

- a description of the instructional solution your team will create

- three to five instructional outcomes


Expert Solution

Apple is am multi million brand with huge investment and a a very large number of investors. Their strategical implementation is definitely one of the world's best implemented strategies.
International Strategy.
Apple's international strategy includes a wide range of products spanning from premium pcs to the iPhones. Their international standardization includes standardization of the overall services and the product quality over global markets.High investment on research and development and large number of stores and outlet with state of the art warranty management system makes them the biggest empoyer and tech provider in the same field. One of the main strategies are to provide a feature packed premium device which is generalized in every global region.
Strategic Implementation
Apple's basic strategy is to develop the products and simultaneously improving the design and utilize the overall difficulties by implementation of different strategies. Company's strategy is to build quality product which are based on performance and stands out of the market .
Apple's quality standards are very high hence produced products R&D cost is usually very high and final product si superior in terms of quality. Company also put extreme efforts to do something out of the box.
influence of Governance and Ethics.
Apple's model includes ethical as well as social responsibility and its composition of the legal, Ethical and economical responsibilities hence all the influence of the ethics and social responsibilities reflects in the organization.
a well organized governing system with a proper strategical implementation drives the company and also make a better work environment for the system. Apple's ethics standard is very high and which is applied into the work structure if the company from the very basic level.
Company Social Value.
Apple insist in making their work pattern as on of the best in the industry. Apple inures that it uses the highest standard in making of their products and for the application the overall strategies . They treat their workers with due respect and dignity and also provide a safe and responsible manufacturing facility.
Innovation and Diversification.
Apple has a big diversified range of products . Initially apple used to deal in computers only then they came in the ipod and then mainstream phone business. Apple has evolved itself from a computer company to a big global brand. Constant research and development and high number of best engineers and bright minds are already looking for the best ideas and to create a better product.
Legal limitations.
Apple's legal limitation includes a good act of 1979 in which, Apple has to sell their products as they are described to avoid any claims from customers. Act of 2008 which states that apple has to treat their customers in a fair manner and they cannot use negative sales techniques and promotions. All the market strategies and apples sales promotion have to be in the legal area.
Evaluation and Control
Apple inc. has a large design and development team as well as marketing team , They build everything from the portable music players to the big MAC computers. Apple also provides services and other informatics which is controlled by headquarters on California. Apple has a huge number of employees and earns a huge revenue every year.
Strategic Metrics.
Apple always keep implementing its marketing strategies some of them are introducing a wearable, Apple watch. Every year growth of sales in iPhone is extremely huge and it is almost doubling up every year. Apple has a huge gross profit margin which is climbing up every year which is one of the main watchable metrics for the apple inc.

Apple offers a very limited number of products and advertise them as a premium products for the market. By focusing on the high and device only the product pricing is also divided into the high and price sector and the customers with high capital are targeted to increase the overall revenue of the company. Company deals in mobile phones as well as the computer system which are always falling in the premium category creating maximum profits as well as the service benefits for apple.
Apple always give priority to its overall profit over the market share. New strategies on how to increase the profits rather than focusing on increasing in market share has always been companies main motto.
Premium pricing of the devices are basically their main strategy for capturing the sector or as well as the high and sector of the customers. Even the company is most nominal devices are priced in mid range but the normal devices are usually price that very high range that normal customer cannot afford. By giving out different contracts with the phone as well as other devices company has specifically developed an ecosystem for its environment off work.
Apple uses the vertical integration strategy to deal with the problems. Company has expertise in Software Hardware as well as the other services. All of these three services are linked together creates vertical integration between the devices as well as their services. Company uses the best available design which is eye catching as well as aesthetic which also increases the number of customers coming towards the company.

Biggest competitor to the Apple is Android, android has grown like a giant in last decade and give the most fierce competition in terms of sales as well as the software. Android price. Unique selling point of the device is as the Android can be very cheap as compared to Apple. Specific difference is making android Run I had in the race of selling devices to the customers.

Apple uses mix of the delivery market.
It uses online retailers to improve its overall reach as well as also uses stores and Apple inspire stores for selling their products and to reach the customers.
Apple basically uses the direct method of delivery and does not use intermediaries which is based on the distributor and the reseller system.
Service effectiveness

Apple has been very good at providing customer care service. Their customer care service is very widely appreciated by their customers as apple has a better resolving time for their problems and focuses on better customer satisfaction by using different customer oriented strategies.
Whenever a customer gives his phone to the apple for repair he is given a free replacement to temporarily use which directly affects the company brand identity in a positive manner and provides an evidence of effectiveness of the customer care service.
By doing different events as well as calling in for reviews for the new products shows the level of customer relationship management by Apple.
Upgrading the device is easier as apple also offers the buyback program for their specific devices which is also very beneficial for apple to be more productive towards the customer.

References. - The Apple Way . -Jefferey L Cruikshank

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