
In: Operations Management

So you think Customer Relationships Management is easy? This week let's take a look at the...

So you think Customer Relationships Management is easy? This week let's take a look at the diversity of the people you're going to be dealing with. And in fact, the people you currently know! On a sheet of paper attempt to fill in the below information by finding a person who can say “yes” or can respond appropriately to each question. Write their first name in the space provided. You may use each person’s name only once. With that you should find you actually know a very divers group of persons. Suppose now all these people were your customers. You can consider yourself a salesperson of any item. How in the world do you develop a plan to satisfy all these people of differing origins an backgrounds, with so many likes and dislikes? Draw from this week's readings, and tell us how you're going to do it! And remember to load your paper with the names of the people you've found!

1. _______________________speaks English as a 2nd language. What is their primary language?_________________________________________
2. _______________________speaks Spanish.
3. _______________________speaks an Asian language. Which? ________________________
4. _______________________has traveled abroad in the last year.
5. ________________________lived in another country for a significant period of time.
6. ________________________has experienced acupuncture.
7. ________________________ was born in a country other than the U.S.
8. ________________________ has parents that moved here from another country.
9. ________________________ grandparents come from the same country as one of your grandparents. Which country? ____________________________________________
10. _______________________comes from a family of 4 or more children.
11. __________________ _____ attended parochial (religious) school as a child.
12. ________________________reads one or more books a month.
13. ________________________still owns vinyl (LP) records.
14. ________________________has more than 2 children.
15. ________________________ attended college in a country other than the one in which they were born.


Expert Solution

1. _______VIKAS________________speaks English as a 2nd language. What is their primary language?____________HINDI_____________________________

2. ________SUSANE_______________speaks Spanish.

3. ________GUSTY_______________speaks an Asian language. Which? ____________ENGLISH___________

4. ________WILLIAM_________has traveled abroad in the last year.

5. ________JAMES_____________lived in another country for a significant period of time.

6. _______ELLA_________________has experienced acupuncture.

7. ________HARPER________________ was born in a country other than the U.S.

8. _________JACKSON_______________ has parents that moved here from another country.

9. __________HARRY'S______________ grandparents come from the same country as one of your grandparents. Which country? ______AUSTRALIA______________________________________

10. ___________AUDREY____________comes from a family of 4 or more children.

11. ___________ALICE_______ _____ attended parochial (religious) school as a child.

12. ___________TOM_____________reads one or more books a month.

13. ________MASON________________still owns vinyl (LP) records.

14. _________MARLEY_______________has more than 2 children.

15. __________REED______________ attended college in a country other than the one in which they were born.


  • The foremost neccesity is to make the communication with the customers effective. A skillfully delivered conversation will create value for buyers. For e.g.  English language should be the medium of conversation with Vikas,Gusty,Jamesand Williams because they know english well.
  • Translators can be used to converse and understand langugae of non-english speakers like Susane and Harper. Reed also attended a college in some other country so he might also be speaking some other language.
  • Audrey and Marley comes from a family of children. so we can provide them products useful for children like clothes,toys,games etc.
  • For Jackson and Harry, things useful for their parents/grandparents can be suggested to them like a relaxing chair.
  • Since Ella has experienced acupuncture, things to relax the pain can be sold to her like a relaxing bed or cushion can be useful for her.
  • Alice and Tom can be provided with books and magazines. Since Alice attended a religious school so religious and ethical books might be preferred by him.
  • Mason already owns vinyl records, so we can have a strategy to sell him digitalised records to add on his experience.

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