
In: Physics

Please write the information about X-ray and also write the references about them in APA style

Please write the information about X-ray and also write the references about them in APA style


Expert Solution


  • X-rays were discovered in 1895 by the German physicist Rontgen and were so named because thier nature was unknown at that time.
  • X-rays are invisible.
  • X-rays travel with speed of light
  • X-rays are affected on photographic film in the same way as light.
  • X-rays can pass throguh the human body,wood,quite thick pieces of matel and they have much more penetrating power.
  • X-rays are electromagnetic radiation of exactly the same nature as light but of very much shorter wavelength.
  • X-rays are produced when any electrically charged particle of sufficient kinetic energy rapidly decelerates.
  • X-rays make up X-radiation, a form of electromagnetic radiation. Most X-rays have a wavelength ranging from 0.01 to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz.
  • X-rays with high photon energies (above 5–10 keV, below 0.2–0.1 nm wavelength) are called hard X-rays, while those with lower energy are called soft X-rays.
  • Characteristic X-ray emission (X-ray fluorescence): If the electron has enough energy it can knock an orbital electron out of the inner electron shell of a metal atom, and as a result electrons from higher energy levels then fill up the vacancy and X-ray photons are emitted. This process produces an emission spectrum of X-rays at a few discrete frequencies, sometimes referred to as the spectral lines. The spectral lines generated depend on the target (anode) element used and thus are called characteristic lines. Usually these are transitions from upper shells into K shell (called K lines), into L shell (called L lines) and so on.
  • Bremsstrahlung: This is radiation given off by the electrons as they are scattered by the strong electric field near the high-Z (proton number) nuclei. These X-rays have a continuous spectrum. The intensity of the X-rays increases linearly with decreasing frequency, from zero at the energy of the incident electrons, the voltage on the X-ray tube.

Reference list:

Reference 1:

Reference 2: Elements of X-ray Diffraction by B.D.Cullity and S.R.Stock

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