In: Mechanical Engineering
How would you expect a flaw to affect the mechanical properties of brittle materials?
Let’s take as our flaw a crack of length a (or 2a depending on the scenario) in a brittle material. The resulting fracture stress in tension, σf, is
where KIc is the fracture
toughness of the material and W is a characteristic dimension of
the test specimen, often its width. The factor f(a/W) is thus some
function of the crack size relative to specimen size and changes
with crack shape. As an example, consider the figure below
depicting a sample of width W with an edge crack of length a
subjected to a farfield stress σ. For this case f(a/W) is
From Eq. (3) it’s evident the
fracture stress depends intimately on the dimensions of the crack.
Furthermore, Eq. (3) pertains just to the specific instance of
uniaxial tensile stress for the particular crack type shown. For if
the loading were shear rather than tensile or the crack located in
the middle of the sample instead of at its edge, the f(a/W) factor
would be different. In fact, there are handbooks[3][4] tabulating
such f(a/W) factors for many different crack geometries, specimen
dimensions, and loading configurations. Hence, to answer the
question, the sizes and shapes of defects exert a profound
influence upon fracture of brittle materials with fracture
strengths reducing for larger cracks. Moreover, as a concession to
the inevitability of cracks, in many situations versions of Eq. (3)
are used to specify for structures maximum allowable crack sizes
that still maintain tensile strengths exceeding expected
environmental loads.