
In: Computer Science

In C++ fill in the comments the easiest to get the program work and get this...

In C++ fill in the comments the easiest to get the program work and get this output.

Sample Output

Please input the x: 2.5

Please input the y: -5

Please input the x: 3

Please input the y: 7.5

You entered: ( 2.5, -5 ) and ( 3, 7.5 )

point3 is ( 2.5, -5 )

Press any key to continue . . .

#include <iostream>   // For cout and cin
#include <iomanip>    // For formatting output, e.g. setprecision
#include <string>     // For using string data type

using namespace std; // Avoid need to use std:: qualification on cout and other things

class Point {

    // WRITE declarations of x and y as doubles
    // x and y coordinates of the point

    // WRITE declaration of getX, getY, setX, setY, readCoords, and printCoords
    // WRITE definitions of these member functions after definition of main().

    // getX - Get the value of the x member variable
    // getY - Get the value of the y member variable

    // setX - Set the value of the x member variable

    // setY - Set the value of the y member variable
    // readCoords - Fill in the x, y values with user input

    // printCoords - Display in format ( x, y )
    // For Future Lab:
    // double getSlope( Point );      // Determine slope between this point and another point

    // For Future Lab:
    // Point getMidpoint( Point );    // Determine midpoint between this point and another point


int main()
    // Do "Press any key to continue..." on exit
    atexit([] {system("pause"); });

    Point point1; // Two points for testing methods
    Point point2; //
    // Obtain values for points from user.

    // Show the values on the console.
    cout << "You entered: ";
    cout << " and ";
    cout << endl;

    // Create a point3 that is a pointer to a Point object.
    // Initialize point3 to a Point object that you allocate using the new operator.
    // Set its x and y from point1, and print its coords.
    // Finally, delete the object.
    // WRITE code for point3 here.
    // For future lab: Report the slope of the line connecting the points.
    //cout << "The slope between them is " << point1.getSlope(point2) << endl;

    // For future lab: Report the midpoint of the line connecting the points.
    //cout << "The midpoint between them is ";
    //cout << endl;

    return 0;

// =================================================================
// getX()
//    return the value of the x attribute
// Purpose: Provide the user with access to the x value
// Input:   none
// Output: returns the value of the objects x data member

// =================================================================
// getY()
//    return the value of the y attribute
// Purpose: Provide the user with access to the y value
// Input:   none
// Output: returns the value of the objects y data member

// =================================================================
// setX()
//    sets the value of the x attribute
// Purpose: Allows the user to change the x value
// Input:   the new x value
// Output: none

// =================================================================
// setY()
//    sets the value of the y attribute
// Purpose: Allows the user to change the y value
// Input:   the new y value
// Output: none

// =================================================================
// readCoords()
//    fill in the x,y with user input.
// Purpose: Asks the user for the x,y coordinates and
//            sets the values into the object.
// Input:   none
// Output: none
void Point::readCoords {
} // end readCoords()

// =================================================================
// printCoords()
//    display in format (x,y))
// Purpose: Display the x and y attributes on the console in the format ( x, y )).
// Assume: x,y have been initialized.
// Input:   none
// Output: none
void Point:: printCoords() {
} // end printCoords())

// =================================================================
// getSlope()
// Calculate the slope between two points
// Purpose: Given a second point, calculates and returns the
// value of the slope between those two points as defined by
//        m = ( y2 - y1 ) / ( x2 - x1 )
// Assume: This point, and the other point, have both been initialized.
// Input:   A second point object
// Output: Returns the slope of the line segment between them.
double Point::getSlope( Point other ) {
// YOU WRITE THIS (for future lab)
// Note: x1 and y1 are the x and y in this object
//       while x2 and y2 are the x and y in the parameter other.
    return 0.0;
} // end getSlope()

// =================================================================
// getMidpoint())
// Determine midpoint between two points
// Purpose: Calculate the midpoint between points in 2 point objects.
//   The midpoint is defined by ( (x1+x2)/2.0, (y1+y2)/2.0 ).
// Assume: This point, and the other point, have both been initialized.
// Input:   A second point object
// Output: Returns the point that is the midpoint between them.

Point Point::getMidpoint( Point other ) {
    Point midpoint; // between this point and 'other'

    // Initialize midpoint so that code compiles without errors before
    // implementing this function.
    midpoint.x = 0.0;
    midpoint.y = 0.0;
    // YOU WRITE THIS (for future lab)
    // Note: x1 and y1 are the x and y in this object
    //       while x2 and y2 are the x and y in the parameter other.
    return midpoint;
} // end getMidpoint()


Expert Solution

I have done the required work and this program will give the given output with the given output:

#include <iostream> // For cout and cin
#include <iomanip> // For formatting output, e.g. setprecision
#include <string> // For using string data type

using namespace std; // Avoid need to use std:: qualification on cout and other things

class Point {

// WRITE declarations of x and y as doubles
// x and y coordinates of the point
double x, y;

// WRITE declaration of getX, getY, setX, setY, readCoords, and printCoords
// WRITE definitions of these member functions after definition of main().

// getX - Get the value of the x member variable
double getX();
// getY - Get the value of the y member variable
double getY();

// setX - Set the value of the x member variable
void setX(double);

// setY - Set the value of the y member variable
void setY(double);
// readCoords - Fill in the x, y values with user input
void readCoords();

// printCoords - Display in format ( x, y )
void printCoords();
// For Future Lab:
// double getSlope( Point ); // Determine slope between this point and another point

// For Future Lab:
// Point getMidpoint( Point ); // Determine midpoint between this point and another point


int main()
// Do "Press any key to continue..." on exit
atexit([] {system("pause"); });

Point point1; // Two points for testing methods
Point point2; //
// Obtain values for points from user.

// Show the values on the console.
cout << "You entered: ";
cout << " and ";
cout << endl;

// Create a point3 that is a pointer to a Point object.
// Initialize point3 to a Point object that you allocate using the new operator.
// Set its x and y from point1, and print its coords.
// Finally, delete the object.
// WRITE code for point3 here.
    Point *point3;
point3 = new Point;
*point3 = point1;
cout << "Third Point is: ";
delete point3;
cout << endl;
// For future lab: Report the slope of the line connecting the points.
//cout << "The slope between them is " << point1.getSlope(point2) << endl;

// For future lab: Report the midpoint of the line connecting the points.
//cout << "The midpoint between them is ";
//cout << endl;

return 0;

// =================================================================
// getX()
// return the value of the x attribute
// Purpose: Provide the user with access to the x value
// Input: none
// Output: returns the value of the objects x data member
double Point::getX() {
   return x;

// =================================================================
// getY()
// return the value of the y attribute
// Purpose: Provide the user with access to the y value
// Input: none
// Output: returns the value of the objects y data member
double Point::getY() {
   return y;

// =================================================================
// setX()
// sets the value of the x attribute
// Purpose: Allows the user to change the x value
// Input: the new x value
// Output: none
void Point::setX(double a) {
   x = a;

// =================================================================
// setY()
// sets the value of the y attribute
// Purpose: Allows the user to change the y value
// Input: the new y value
// Output: none
void Point::setY(double a) {
   y = a;

// =================================================================
// readCoords()
// fill in the x,y with user input.
// Purpose: Asks the user for the x,y coordinates and
// sets the values into the object.
// Input: none
// Output: none
void Point::readCoords() {
cout << "Please input the x: ";
cin >> x;
cout << "Please input the y: ";
cin >> y;
} // end readCoords()

// =================================================================
// printCoords()
// display in format (x,y))
// Purpose: Display the x and y attributes on the console in the format ( x, y )).
// Assume: x,y have been initialized.
// Input: none
// Output: none
void Point:: printCoords() {
cout << "(" << x << ", " << y << ")";
} // end printCoords())

Hope this helps. If you have any queries or suggestions regarding the answers please leave them in the comments section so I can update and improve the answer. Thank you.

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