The ages of a group of 141 randomly selected adult females have a standard deviation of...

The ages of a group of 141 randomly selected adult females have a standard deviation of 18.9 years. Assume that the ages of female statistics students have less variation than ages of females in the general​ population, so let σ=18.9years for the sample size calculation. How many female statistics student ages must be obtained in order to estimate the mean age of all female statistics​ students? Assume that we want

95​% confidence that the sample mean is within​ one-half year of the population mean. Does it seem reasonable to assume that the ages of female statistics students have less variation than ages of females in the general​ population?

In: Math

A contingency table, also called a two-way table, is made up of r rows and c...

A contingency table, also called a two-way table, is made up of r rows and c columns. In general, how many cells are in a contingency table with r rows and c columns?

1) r x c (r times c)

2) (r-1)(c-1)

3) r + c

In general, how many degrees of freedom are associated with a contingency table with r rows and c columns?

1) r + c

2) r times c

3) (r-1)(c-1)

When should Fishers Exact Test be used instead of the usual chi-square test for a 2x2 contingency table?

a) if one or more of the cells has an observed frequency less than 5

b) n < 30

c) if one or more of the cells has an expected frequeny less than 5

d) np0 < 5

There are two types of tests that can be performed using a contingency table. A test of independence and a test of

a) heterogeneity

b) Relationship

c) association

d) homogeneity

In: Math

Assume that the traffic to the web site of Smiley’s People, Inc., which sells customized T-shirts,...

Assume that the traffic to the web site of Smiley’s People, Inc., which sells customized T-shirts, follows a normal distribution, with a mean of 4.6 million visitors per day and a standard deviation of 760,000 visitors per day.

(a) What is the probability that the web site has fewer than 5 million visitors in a single day? If needed, round your answer to four decimal digits.
(b) What is the probability that the web site has 3 million or more visitors in a single day? If needed, round your answer to four decimal digits.
(c) What is the probability that the web site has between 3 million and 4 million visitors in a single day? If needed, round your answer to four decimal digits.
(d) Assume that 85% of the time, the Smiley’s People web servers can handle the daily web traffic volume without purchasing additional server capacity. What is the amount of web traffic that will require Smiley’s People to purchase additional server capacity? If needed, round your answer to two decimal digits.

In: Math

Calculate ?(? < 8) if: (i) ? is the number of distinctions reported in a year...

Calculate ?(? < 8) if: (i) ? is the number of distinctions reported in a year by 20 Colleges. Each College produces distinctions at the rate of 0.2 per year independently of the other Colleges. (ii) ? is the number of claims examined up to and including the fourth claim that exceeds K20,000. The probability that any claim received exceeds K20,000 is 0.3 independently of any other claim. (iii) ? is the number of deaths amongst a group of 500 TB patients. Each patient has a 0.01 probability of dying independently of any other patient. (iv) ? is the number of phone calls made before an agent makes the first sale. The probability that any phone call leads to a sale is 0.01 independently of any other call.

In: Math

Use of Multiple Sample Hypothesis Tests In an hospital setting, when might you want to know...

Use of Multiple Sample Hypothesis Tests

In an hospital setting, when might you want to know the mean differences between two or more groups? Please describe the situation, including how and why it would be used.

In: Math

The charitable foundation for a large metropolitan hospital is conducting a study to characterize its donor...

The charitable foundation for a large metropolitan hospital is conducting a study to characterize its donor base. In the past, most donations have come from relatively wealthy individuals; the average annual donor income in the most recent survey was right at $100,000. The foundation believes the average has now increased. A random sample of 200 current donors showed a mean annual income of $103,157 and a standard deviation of $27,498. To perform this study we should form a null hypothesis stating that the average is .__________(A. less than. B. less than or equal to. C. equal to. D. greater than. E. greater than or equal to).

At the 10% significant level, the p-value/statistics is ________ (keep to 3 decimal points), so we should ____________ (A. Reject. B. Not reject) the null hypothesis.

Hence, we may conclude that the average ________ (A.. Has. B. Has not) increased and the probability that our conclusion is correct is at least ________ percent.

In: Math

A poker hand (5 cards) is dealt off the top of a well-shuffled deck of 52...

A poker hand (5 cards) is dealt off the top of a well-shuffled deck of 52 cards. Let X be the number of diamonds in the hand. Let Y be the number of hearts in the hand.

1. Do you think Cov[X,Y] is positive, negative, or zero? Explain.

2. let Di(i=1,...,5) be a random variable that is 1 if the ith card is a diamond and 0 otherwise. What is E[Di]?

3. let Hi(i=1,...,5) be a random variable that is 1 if the ith card is a heart and 0 otherwise. Of course, E[Hi] is the same as E[Di], since there are the same number of hearts as diamonds in a 52-card deck. What is Cov[Di,Hi]? What is Cov[Di,Hj], when i≠j?

4. Use your answers to parts 2 and 3 (and the properties of covariance, of course) to calculate Cov[X,Y].

In: Math

SUPPLY PAIR L P Zara warehouse -> Zara Store 2 4 NY Distribution Center -> Zara...

Zara warehouse -> Zara Store 2 4
NY Distribution Center -> Zara warehouse 2 3
Inditex factory -> NY Distribution Center 4


Bullwhip ratio for pair "Zara warehouse -> Zara Store" = 2.5

Bullwhip ratio for pair "NY Distribution Center -> Zara warehouse" = 3.21

Bullwhip ratio for pair "Inditex factory -> NY Distribution Center" = 1.88

1. Calculate the cumulative ratio between the Inditex factory and Zara Store.

In: Math

An instructor has given a short quiz consisting of two parts. For a randomly selected student,...

An instructor has given a short quiz consisting of two parts. For a randomly selected student, let X = the number of points earned on the first part and Y = the number of points earned on the second part. Suppose that the joint pmf of X and Y is given in the accompanying table.

p(x, y)

  0      5      10   
x 0 0.03 0.08 0.09
5 0.09 0.20 0.20
10 0.02 0.15 0.16

(a) what is the probability that a randomly selected student scores 5 on both parts?
(b) what is the probability that a randomly selected student scores at least 5 on part 1 and no points on part 2?

(c) find the marginal PMFs of X and Y (find PMF of X and PMF of Y).

(d) If the score recorded in the grade book is the toal number of points earned in two parts, what is the expected recorded score E(X+Y)?

In: Math

A company is developing a new high performance wax for cross country ski racing. In order...

A company is developing a new high performance wax for cross country ski racing. In order to justify the price marketing​ wants, the wax needs to be very fast.​ Specifically, the mean time to finish their standard test course should be less than 55 seconds for a former Olympic champion. To test​ it, the champion will ski the course 8 times. The​ champion's times​ (selected at​ random) are 55.5​, 62.6​, 47.2​, 53.3​, 47.6​, 49.7​, 51.4​, and 41.2 seconds to complete the test course. Should they market the​ wax? Assume the assumptions and conditions for appropriate hypothesis testing are met for the sample. Use 0.05 as the​ P-value cutoff level.

a) calculate the test statistic

b) calculate the p-value

In: Math

In your own words, describe the correlation coefficient.

In your own words, describe the correlation coefficient.

In: Math

pls do it on excel: To get an idea just how powerful compound interest is compared...

pls do it on excel:

To get an idea just how powerful compound interest is compared to simple interest, calculate the accumulated value of a $8000 deposit after 0.10, 0.50, 0.80, 1, 3, 6, 12, 20, 30, 40 and 50 years using rates of interest of 3%, 6% and 9%. For each interest rate, do SIX calculations: one assuming simple interest, and four assuming compound interest rates of i, i (2) , i (4) and i (12) , along with calculating the difference between the accumulated values under compound interest at i and under simple interest (just the i vs. simple interest, not the i (2), etc)

In: Math

By Hand: Subjects were trained to respond to a 12-inch visual stimulus and then were tested...

By Hand: Subjects were trained to respond to a 12-inch visual stimulus and then were tested on stimuli of different sizes (9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, and 15 inches). The response measure was the degree to which the subjects responded on the first test trial. There were n = 14 subjects in each group. The means for the a = 7 groups are as follows:

9 in      10 in    11 in    12 in    13 in    14 in    15 in

1.52     2.64     4.28     3.86     3.86     2.79     3.70

Conduct an analysis of the linear and the quadratic trends (the within-groups mean square was 5.84). Plot the predicted group means and the actual group means. What do you conclude?

In: Math

Study was done on body temperatures of men and women. The results are in the table....

Study was done on body temperatures of men and women. The results are in the table. Assume that the two samples are independent simple random samples selected from normally distributed populations and do not assume that the population standard deviations are equal. Mean for men is 1 Mean for women is 2 n for men is 11 n for women is 59 X bar for men is 97.75 degrees F X bar for women is 97.49 degrees F S for men is 0.83 degrees F S for women is 0.65 degrees farenheit A. Use a 0.01 signifcance level and test the claim that men have a higher mean than women in body temp. what are the null and alternative hypotheses? B. The test statistic is? round to two decimal places. C. The P-value is? round to three decimal places. D. State conclusion for the test. E. Construct a confidence level F. Does the confidence interval support the conclusion of the test?

In: Math

I need step by step instructions on using Excel to do this assignment and the values...

I need step by step instructions on using Excel to do this assignment and the values I need to enter to compute what is being asked of me. I don't know how to use Excel and you tube is no help right now because I can't find specifics of what I need done. I'll post part two of this assignment as a seperate question. I need to get through part one first. Thanks...

1. Exercise 11   Section 3-1

11. Weight of coke.  Using Microsoft Excel, construct a frequency table for the weights (in pounds) given below of 36 cans of regular coke. Start the first bin at 0.7900 pound and use a bin width of 0.0050 pound. Discuss your findings.

0.8192    0.8194    0.8211    0.8176

0.8062    0.8143    0.8110    0.8152

0.7901    0.8152    0.8079    0.8161

0.8161    0.8163    0.8194    0.8247

0.8165    0.8172    0.8150    0.8264

0.8207    0.8073    0.8294    0.8170

0.8150    0.8189    0.8181    0.8284

0.8128    0.8229    0.8251    0.8244

0.8244    0.8126    0.8044    0.8192

2. Exercise 15   Section 3-2

15. Weight of Coke: Exercise 11 in Section 3.1 required the construction of a frequency table from the weights (in pounds) of 36 cans of regular coke. Use that frequency table to construct the corresponding histogram.

In: Math