
In: Statistics and Probability

Six subjects took part in a weight loss study. Each subject was weighed at the beginning...

Six subjects took part in a weight loss study. Each subject was weighed at the beginning of the study. The subjects then completed a six-week diet and exercise plan. They were weighed after completing the plan.

Subject Weight Before (lbs.) Weight After (lbs.)
1 285 253
2 265 230
3 302 285
4 293 298
5 269 255
6 288 271

The results are shown below The variable Weight Change is defined as the Weight After minus the Weight Before. What is the average weight change? Include 1 decimal place in your answer.


Expert Solution

The average weight change = (-32 + (-35) + (-17) + 5 + (-14) + (-17))/6 = -18.3








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