In: Electrical Engineering
Design a sequential traffic light controller for the intersection of street A and street B. Each street has traffic sensors which detect the presence of vehicles approaching or stopped at intersection.
Sa=1 means a vehicle is approaching on street A.
Sb=1 means a vehicle is approaching on street B.
There are 3 outputs of each streets RedA, YellowA and GreenA, RedB, YellowB, and GreenB.
Condition: “StreetA” is a main street and has a green light for at least 50s, after 50s if there is a car approaches on “StreetB”, the light changed to yellow then red and “StreetB” has green light for 50s.
At the end of 50s, the light change back unless there is a car on “StreetB” and none on “StreetA”
Present the code and develop a waveform using the Quartus Prime 19.1 Lite edition.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity traffic_light is port (clk, sa, sb: in bit; ra, rb, ga, gb, ya, yb: inout bit);
end traffic_light;
architecture behave of traffic_light is signal state, nextstate: integer range 0 to 12;
type light is (r, y, g);
signal lighta, lightb: light;
process(state, sa, sb)
ra<='0'; rb<='0';ga<='0'; gb<='0'; ya<='0'; yb <= '0';
case state is
when 0 to 4 => ga <='1';rb <= '1'; '; nextstate <= state+1;
when 5=>ga<='1';rb<='1';if sb='1' then nextstate<=6;end if;
when 6 => ya <= '1'; rb <= '1'; nextstate <= 7;
when 7 to 10 => ra <= '1'; gb <= '1'; nextstate<=state+1;
when 11 => ra <= '1'; gb <= '1';
if (sa='1' or sb='0') then nextstate <=12; end if;
when 12 => ra <= '1'; yb <= '1'; nextstate <= 0;
end case;
end process;
if clk = '1' then state <= nextstate; end if;
end process;
lighta <= r when ra='1' else y when ya='1' else g when ga='1';
lightb <= r when rb='1' else y when yb='1' else g when gb='1';
end behave;