In: Computer Science
Write a program, using any language you want, that uses a Randomized-Select algorithm. Briefly explain what it does, how it does. Include code and show output.
#As language not specified, using Python, comment if anything else required
#randomisedPartition using partition process of
def randomisedPartition(array, l, r):
x = array[r]
i = l
for j in range(l, r):
if array[j] <= x:
array[j] = array[j], array[i]
i += 1
array[i], array[r] = array[r], array[i]
return i
def randomizedSelect(array, l, r, k):
#Randomised partition for searching
index = randomisedPartition(array, l, r)
# if index is the required position then return
if (index - l == k - 1):
return array[index]
# If position is greater then recursion for left
if (index - l > k - 1):
return randomizedSelect(array, l, index - 1, k)
# Else recursion for right subarray
return randomizedSelect(array, index + 1, r, k - index
+ l - 1)
array = [ 7, 44, 76, 2, 11, 9, 3, 23, 34, 32, 15, 18 ]
size = len(array)
k = 3
print(k,"rd smallest element is ",randomizedSelect(array, 0, size -
1, k))
k = 9
print(k,"th smallest element is ",randomizedSelect(array, 0, size -
1, k))
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