
In: Computer Science

**please make sure this is original work** Project 1 The goals are: Project 1 - classes,...

**please make sure this is original work**

Project 1

The goals are:

Project 1 - classes, text data file, GUI, searching

 Define and implement appropriate classes, including:

o instance and class variables,

o constructors,

o toString methods, and

o other appropriate methods.

 Read data from a text file:

o specified at run time,

 JFileChooser jfc = new JFileChooser ("."); // start at dot, the current directory

o using that data to create instances of the classes,

o creating a multi-tree (class instances related in hierarchical, has-some, relationships), and

o organizing those instances in existing JDK structures which can be sorted, such as ArrayList's.

 Create a simple GUI:

o presenting the data in the structures with with some buttons and

o text fields supporting SEARCHING on the various fields of each class.


Create a GUI

Let the user select a data file, using JFileChooser

Read the data file, creating the specified internal data structure (see theIntroductionfor the classes and variables of the structure).

Display the internal data structure in a nice format in the GUI

use JScrollPane and JTextArea

Display the results of a Search specified by the user

JTextField to specify the search target

Searching targets: name, index, skill would be a minimumyou are encouraged to provide other options

Note that a search may return more than one item

DO NOT create new data structures (beyond the specified internal data structure) to searchyou may create a structure of found items as a return value

Data file format:

Each item in the simulation will appear on a single line of the data file.

The data file may have comment lines, which will start with a //.

There may be blank lines in the data file, which your program should accept and ignore.

The data lines will start with one of the following flag values, indicating which item is being specified, its name, its index, and the index of its parent - which is used to specify the connections used to create the internal data structure (ie, assign an item to it parent or parent ArrayList).

For most items there will be additional fields appropriate to the class of that item.

The fields on a line are space delimited (perhaps more than one space)

This works well with Scanner methods, such asnext(),nextInt()andnextDouble().


Here are the classes and their instance variables we wish to define:

 SeaPortProgram extends JFrame

o variables used by the GUI interface

o world: World

 Thing implement Comparable

o index: int

o name: String

o parent: int

 World extends Thing

o ports: ArrayList

o time: PortTime

 SeaPort extends Thing

o docks: ArrayList

o que: ArrayList // the list of ships waiting to dock

o ships: ArrayList // a list of all the ships at this port

o persons: ArrayList // people with skills at this port

 Dock extends Thing

o ship: Ship

 Ship extends Thing

o arrivalTime, dockTime: PortTime

o draft, length, weight, width: double

o jobs: ArrayList

 PassengerShip extends Ship

o numberOfOccupiedRooms: int

o numberOfPassengers: int

o numberOfRooms: int

 CargoShip extends Ship

o cargoValue: double

o cargoVolume: double

o cargoWeight: double

 Person extends Thing

o skill: String

 Job extends Thing - optional till Projects 3 and 4 o duration: double

o requirements: ArrayList // should be some of the skills of the persons

 PortTime

o time: int


Here are the details of valid lines, with an example of each line.

// port   name index parent(null)
//    port   <string> <int> <int>
port Kandahar 10002 0

// dock   name index parent(port)
//    dock   <string> <int> <int>
dock Pier_5 20005 10001 30005

// ship   name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft
//    ship   <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double>
    ship               Reason 40003 10000 165.91 447.15 85.83 27.07

// cship name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft cargoWeight cargoVolume cargoValue
//    cship <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double>
    cship               Suites 40003 10000 165.91 447.15 85.83 27.07 125.09 176.80 857.43

// pship name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft numPassengers numRooms numOccupied
//    pship <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double> <int> <int> <int>
    pship      "ZZZ_Hysterics" 30002 20002 103.71 327.92 56.43 30.23 3212 917 917

// person name index parent skill
//    person <string> <int> <int> <string>
    person              Alberto 50013 10001 cleaner

// job    name index parent duration [skill]* (zero or more, matches skill in person, may repeat)
//    job    <string> <int> <int> <double> [<string>]* (ie, zero or more)
    job         Job_10_94_27 60020 30007 77.78 carpenter cleaner clerk

You may assume that the data file is correctly formatted and that the parent links exist and are encountered in the data file as item indices before they are referenced as parent links.

There is a Java program ( provided with this package that will generate data files with various characteristics with the correct format. You should be using the program to generate your own data files to test various aspects of your project programs.

Sample input file:

// File: aSPaa.txt
// Data file for SeaPort projects
// Date: Sat Jul 09 22:51:16 EDT 2016
// parameters: 1 1 5 5 1 5
//   ports, docks, pships, cships, jobs, persons

// port   name index parent(null)
//    port   <string> <int> <int>
port Lanshan 10000 0

// dock   name index parent(port)
//    dock   <string> <int> <int>
dock Pier_4 20004 10000 30004
dock Pier_0 20000 10000 30000
dock Pier_1 20001 10000 30001
dock Pier_3 20003 10000 30003
dock Pier_2 20002 10000 30002

// pship name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft numPassengers numRooms numOccupied
//    pship <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double> <int> <int> <int>
    pship           Gallinules 30000 20000 125.99 234.70 60.67 37.14 746 246 246
    pship               Remora 30001 20001 126.38 358.27 74.12 31.54 3768 979 979
    pship     Absentmindedness 30004 20004 86.74 450.43 33.13 41.67 2143 920 920
    pship        Preanesthetic 30003 20003 149.85 483.92 125.71 31.21 166 409 83
    pship            Shoetrees 30002 20002 134.41 156.96 120.31 35.20 1673 633 633

// cship name index parent(dock/port) weight length width draft cargoWeight cargoVolume cargoValue
//    cship <string> <int> <int> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double> <double>
    cship            Erosional 40001 10000 200.80 242.33 38.31 23.49 172.73 188.54 235.57
    cship            Kielbasas 40000 10000 120.85 362.55 96.82 19.09 33.08 188.31 261.57
    cship             Generics 40002 10000 79.90 234.26 73.18 15.71 125.27 179.00 729.95
    cship            Barcelona 40003 10000 219.92 443.54 104.44 34.16 86.69 139.89 813.72
    cship              Toluene 40004 10000 189.12 448.99 73.97 37.67 88.90 175.03 1002.63

// person name index parent skill
//    person <string> <int> <int> <string>
    person                 Sara 50000 10000 electrician
    person                Duane 50002 10000 inspector
    person                Betsy 50004 10000 cleaner
    person               Archie 50003 10000 captain
    person               Thomas 50001 10000 clerk

Sample output as plain text - which should be displayed in a JTextArea on a JScrollPane in the BorderLayout.CENTER area of a JFrame:

>>>>> The world:

SeaPort: Lanshan 10000

Dock: Pier_4 20004
    Ship: Passenger ship: Absentmindedness 30004

Dock: Pier_0 20000
    Ship: Passenger ship: Gallinules 30000

Dock: Pier_1 20001
    Ship: Passenger ship: Remora 30001

Dock: Pier_3 20003
    Ship: Passenger ship: Preanesthetic 30003

Dock: Pier_2 20002
    Ship: Passenger ship: Shoetrees 30002

--- List of all ships in que:
   > Cargo Ship: Erosional 40001
   > Cargo Ship: Kielbasas 40000
   > Cargo Ship: Generics 40002
   > Cargo Ship: Barcelona 40003
   > Cargo Ship: Toluene 40004

--- List of all ships:
   > Passenger ship: Gallinules 30000
   > Passenger ship: Remora 30001
   > Passenger ship: Absentmindedness 30004
   > Passenger ship: Preanesthetic 30003
   > Passenger ship: Shoetrees 30002
   > Cargo Ship: Erosional 40001
   > Cargo Ship: Kielbasas 40000
   > Cargo Ship: Generics 40002
   > Cargo Ship: Barcelona 40003
   > Cargo Ship: Toluene 40004

--- List of all persons:
   > Person: Sara 50000 electrician
   > Person: Duane 50002 inspector
   > Person: Betsy 50004 cleaner
   > Person: Archie 50003 captain
   > Person: Thomas 50001 clerk


Methods that should be implemented.

Each class should have an appropriate toString method. Here is an example of two such methods:

In SeaPort - showing all the data structures:   public String toString () {      String st = "nnSeaPort: " + super.toString();      for (Dock md: docks) st += "n" + md;      st += "nn --- List of all ships in que:";      for (Ship ms: que ) st += "n   > " + ms;      st += "nn --- List of all ships:";      for (Ship ms: ships) st += "n   > " + ms;      st += "nn --- List of all persons:";      for (Person mp: persons) st += "n   > " + mp;      return st;   } // end method toString

In PassengerShip, using parent toString effectively:   public String toString () {      String st = "Passenger ship: " + super.toString();      if (jobs.size() == 0)         return st;      for (Job mj: jobs) st += "n       - " + mj;      return st;   } // end method toString

Each class should have an appropriate Scanner constructor, allowing the class to take advantage of super constructors, and any particular constructor focusing only on the addition elements of interest to that particular class. As an example, here's one way to implement the PassengerShip constructor:

PassengerShip Scanner constructor, the earlier fields are handled by Thing (fields: name, index, parent) and Ship (fields: weight, length, width, draft) constructors.   public PassengerShip (Scanner sc) {      super (sc);      if (sc.hasNextInt()) numberOfPassengers = sc.nextInt();      if (sc.hasNextInt()) numberOfRooms = sc.nextInt();      if (sc.hasNextInt()) numberOfOccupiedRooms = sc.nextInt();   } // end end Scanner constructor

In the World class, we want to read the text file line by line. Here are some useful methods types and code fragments that you should find helpful:

Handling a line from the file:   void process (String st) {   //       System.out.println ("Processing >" + st + "<");      Scanner sc = new Scanner (st);      if (!sc.hasNext())         return;      switch ( {         case "port"   : addPort      (sc);            break;

Finding a ship by index - finding the parent of a job, for example:   Ship getShipByIndex (int x) {      for (SeaPort msp: ports)         for (Ship ms: msp.ships)            if (ms.index == x)               return ms;      return null;   } // end getDockByIndex

Linking a ship to its parent:   void assignShip (Ship ms) {      Dock md = getDockByIndex (ms.parent);      if (md == null) {         getSeaPortByIndex (ms.parent).ships.add (ms);         getSeaPortByIndex (ms.parent).que.add (ms);         return;      }      md.ship = ms;      getSeaPortByIndex (md.parent).ships.add (ms);   } // end method assignShip


Expert Solution

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;
import javax.swing.JFileChooser;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.filechooser.FileNameExtensionFilter;

public class SeaPortProgram extends JFrame {
    public static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
    World theWorld = new World(new Scanner("JesseWorld 0 0"));
    public SeaPortProgram() {
        Debug.setDebugging(false); //turn on my debugging output
    private void initObjects() {
        String fromFileName = "";
        if(Debug.isEnabled()) {
            fromFileName = "Y:\\Programming\\Java\\Projects\\Young_Jesse_Project_1\\aSPac.txt";
        } else {
            //let the user select which file to load from
            JFileChooser chooseDataFile = new JFileChooser(".");
            FileNameExtensionFilter filter = new FileNameExtensionFilter("Text Files", "txt");
            int returnVal = chooseDataFile.showOpenDialog(null);
            if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                fromFileName = chooseDataFile.getSelectedFile().getAbsolutePath();
        DataLoader dl = new DataLoader(fromFileName); //loads the text file into ArrayList<String>
        for (String line : dl.getData())
            theWorld.process(line.trim()); //load each line into actual objects
    private void initView() {
    private void resetView() {
        jtaMain.setText("The World:\n\n" + theWorld.toString()); //display objects in text area
        jtaMain.setCaretPosition(0); //scroll to top of text area

    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generated Code">//GEN-BEGIN:initComponents
    private void initComponents() {

        jScrollPane1 = new javax.swing.JScrollPane();
        jtaMain = new javax.swing.JTextArea();
        jtfSearch = new javax.swing.JTextField();
        jLabel1 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
        jbSearch = new javax.swing.JButton();
        jLabel2 = new javax.swing.JLabel();
        jcbSearchBy = new javax.swing.JComboBox<>();
        jbReset = new javax.swing.JButton();
        jbOK = new javax.swing.JButton();


        jtaMain.setFont(new java.awt.Font("Lucida Console", 0, 13)); // NOI18N

        jtfSearch.setToolTipText("Type your search here (no spaces)");

        jLabel1.setText("Search for:");

        jbSearch.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {


        jcbSearchBy.setModel(new javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel<>(new String[] { "Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3", "Item 4" }));

        jbReset.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {

        jbOK.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {

        javax.swing.GroupLayout layout = new javax.swing.GroupLayout(getContentPane());
                        .addComponent(jtfSearch, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 160, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                        .addComponent(jcbSearchBy, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 134, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                        .addPreferredGap(javax.swing.LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement.RELATED, 437, Short.MAX_VALUE)
                .addComponent(jScrollPane1, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, 360, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                    .addComponent(jtfSearch, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                    .addComponent(jcbSearchBy, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.DEFAULT_SIZE, javax.swing.GroupLayout.PREFERRED_SIZE)
                .addContainerGap(20, Short.MAX_VALUE))

    }// </editor-fold>//GEN-END:initComponents

    private void jbSearchActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jbSearchActionPerformed
        // TODO add your handling code here:
        String needle = jtfSearch.getText().replaceAll(" ", ""); //remove spaces too
        String by = jcbSearchBy.getSelectedItem().toString();
        if(!needle.equals("")) {
            jtaMain.setText("Searching for " + needle + " by " + by + "...\n");
            ArrayList<Thing> found = theWorld.searchFor(needle, by);
            if(!found.isEmpty()) {
                jtaMain.append("Found the following matching objects:\n\n");
                for(Thing thing : found)
                    jtaMain.append(thing.toString() + "\n");
            } else {
                jtaMain.setText("Search did not find any results.\n");
        } else {
            jtaMain.setText("Invalid search, please try again.\n");

    private void jbResetActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jbResetActionPerformed
        // TODO add your handling code here:

    private void jbOKActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jbOKActionPerformed
        // TODO add your handling code here:
        this.dispatchEvent(new java.awt.event.WindowEvent(this, java.awt.event.WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING));

     * @param args the command line arguments
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        try {
            for (javax.swing.UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo info : javax.swing.UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels()) {
                if ("Nimbus".equals(info.getName())) {
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
            java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SeaPortProgram.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
            java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SeaPortProgram.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
            java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SeaPortProgram.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
        } catch (javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {
            java.util.logging.Logger.getLogger(SeaPortProgram.class.getName()).log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, null, ex);

        /* Create and display the form */
        java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
            public void run() {
                new SeaPortProgram().setVisible(true);

    // Variables declaration - do not modify//GEN-BEGIN:variables
    private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel1;
    private javax.swing.JLabel jLabel2;
    private javax.swing.JScrollPane jScrollPane1;
    private javax.swing.JButton jbOK;
    private javax.swing.JButton jbReset;
    private javax.swing.JButton jbSearch;
    private javax.swing.JComboBox<String> jcbSearchBy;
    private javax.swing.JTextArea jtaMain;
    private javax.swing.JTextField jtfSearch;
    // End of variables declaration//GEN-END:variables

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class World extends Thing {
    private ArrayList<SeaPort> ports;
    private PortTime time;

    public World() {
        this.ports = new ArrayList<>();
        this.time = new PortTime();
    } // end default constructor
    public World(Scanner sc) {
        this.ports = new ArrayList<>();
        this.time = new PortTime();
    } // end Scanner constructor
    public String toString() {
        String st = super.toString();
        for (SeaPort sp: getPorts())
            st += sp + "\n---------END SEAPORT---------";
        return st;
    public void process (String st) {
        Debug.print("Processing >" + st + "<\n");
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(st);
        if (!sc.hasNext())
        switch ( {
            case "port": addPort(sc);
            case "dock": Dock dockToAdd = new Dock(sc);
            case "pship": PassengerShip psToAdd = new PassengerShip(sc);
            case "cship": CargoShip csToAdd = new CargoShip(sc);
            case "person": Person pToAdd = new Person(sc);
            case "job": Job jobToAdd = new Job(sc);
            default: break;

    private void addPort(Scanner sc) {
        SeaPort spToAdd = new SeaPort(sc);
    Ship getShipByIndex (int x) {
        for (SeaPort msp: getPorts())
            for (Ship ms: msp.getShips())
                if (ms.getIndex() == x)
                    return ms;
        return null;
    } // end getDockByIndex
    void assignShip (Ship ms) {
        Dock md = getDockByIndex (ms.getParent()); //find ship's dock
        if(md == null) { //if ship is not docked
            SeaPort sp = getSeaPortByIndex(ms.getParent());
            if(sp != null) {
                sp.getShips().add (ms); //then parent is a port, add to port's list of ships
                sp.getQue().add (ms); //and add to que
            } else {
                Debug.println("Could not assign ship " + ms.getName() + ", invalid parent.");
        getSeaPortByIndex (md.getParent()).getShips().add (ms);
    } // end method assignShip

    //assigns a Person to a SeaPort
    void assignPerson (Person p) {
        SeaPort sp = getSeaPortByIndex(p.getParent());
        if(sp != null)
            sp.getPersons().add (p);
            Debug.println("Could not assign person " + p.getName() + ", invalid parent.");
    } // end method assignPerson
    //assigns a Job to a Dock
    void assignJob (Job job) { //assign job to dock or ship
        Ship ms = getShipByIndex(job.getParent());
        if(ms != null)
            ms.getJobs().add (job);
            Debug.println("Could not assign job " + job.getName() + ", invalid parent.");
    } // end method assignPerson
    private Dock getDockByIndex(int x) {
        for (SeaPort msp: this.getPorts())
            for(Dock md: msp.getDocks())
                if(md.getIndex() == x)
                    return md;
        return null;

    public SeaPort getSeaPortByIndex(int x) {
        for (SeaPort msp: this.getPorts())
            if (msp.getIndex() == x)
                return msp;
        return null;
    public SeaPort getSeaPortByParent(int x) {
        for (SeaPort msp: this.getPorts())
            if (msp.getParent() == x)
                return msp;
        return null;
    public SeaPort getSeaPortByName(String name) {
        for (SeaPort msp: this.getPorts())
            if (msp.getName().equals(name))
                return msp;
        return null;

    private void assignDock(Dock dockToAdd) {
        SeaPort sp = getSeaPortByIndex(dockToAdd.getParent());
        if(sp != null) {

    public ArrayList<SeaPort> getPorts() {
        return ports;
    public void setPorts(ArrayList<SeaPort> ports) {
        this.ports = ports;

    public PortTime getTime() {
        return time;

    public void setTime(PortTime time) {
        this.time = time;
    public Thing getThingByIndex(int x) {
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            if(sp.getIndex() == x)
                return sp;
            for(Dock d : sp.getDocks())
                if(d.getIndex() == x)
                    return d;
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s.getIndex() == x)
                    return s;
                for(Job j : s.getJobs())
                    if(j.getIndex() == x)
                        return j;
            for(Person p : sp.getPersons())
                if(p.getIndex() == x)
                    return p;
        return null;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByName(String name) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Dock d : sp.getDocks())
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                for(Job j : s.getJobs())
            for(Person p : sp.getPersons())
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchForChildren(int parent) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            if(sp.getParent() == parent)
            for(Dock d : sp.getDocks())
                if(d.getParent() == parent)
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s.getParent() == parent)
                for(Job j : s.getJobs())
                    if(j.getParent() == parent)
            for(Person p : sp.getPersons())
                if(p.getParent() == parent)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByWeight(double weight) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s.getWeight() == weight)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByLength(double length) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s.getLength() == length)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByWidth(double width) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s.getWidth() == width)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByDraft(double draft) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s.getDraft() == draft)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByNumberOfPassengers(int x) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s instanceof PassengerShip) {
                    PassengerShip ps = (PassengerShip)s;
                    if(ps.getNumberOfPassengers() == x)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByNumberOfRooms(int x) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s instanceof PassengerShip) {
                    PassengerShip ps = (PassengerShip)s;
                    if(ps.getNumberOfRooms() == x)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByNumberOfOccupiedRooms(int x) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s instanceof PassengerShip) {
                    PassengerShip ps = (PassengerShip)s;
                    if(ps.getNumberOfOccupiedRooms() == x)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByCargoWeight(double x) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s instanceof CargoShip) {
                    CargoShip cs = (CargoShip)s;
                    if(cs.getCargoWeight() == x)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByCargoVolume(double x) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s instanceof CargoShip) {
                    CargoShip cs = (CargoShip)s;
                    if(cs.getCargoVolume() == x)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByCargoValue(double x) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                if(s instanceof CargoShip) {
                    CargoShip cs = (CargoShip)s;
                    if(cs.getCargoValue() == x)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchBySkill(String skill) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Person p : sp.getPersons())
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByRequirement(String requirement) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                for(Job j : s.getJobs())
                    for(String req : j.getRequirements())
        return found;

    public ArrayList<Thing> searchByDuration(double duration) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        for(SeaPort sp : this.getPorts()) {
            for(Ship s : sp.getShips()) {
                for(Job j : s.getJobs())
                    if(j.getDuration() == duration)
        return found;
    public ArrayList<Thing> searchFor(String needle, String by) {
        ArrayList<Thing> found = new ArrayList<>();
        if(validateSearch(needle, by)) {
            switch (by) {
                case "Name": found = this.searchByName(needle); break;
                case "Index": Thing thing = this.getThingByIndex(Integer.valueOf(needle));
                              if(thing != null)
                case "Parent": found = this.searchForChildren(Integer.valueOf(needle)); break;

                case "Weight": found = this.searchByWeight(Double.valueOf(needle)); break;
                case "Length": found = this.searchByLength(Double.valueOf(needle)); break;
                case "Width": found = this.searchByWidth(Double.valueOf(needle)); break;
                case "Draft": found = this.searchByDraft(Double.valueOf(needle)); break;

                case "NumPassengers": found = this.searchByNumberOfPassengers(Integer.valueOf(needle)); break;
                case "NumRooms": found = this.searchByNumberOfRooms(Integer.valueOf(needle)); break;
                case "NumOccupied": found = this.searchByNumberOfOccupiedRooms(Integer.valueOf(needle)); break;

                case "CargoWeight": found = this.searchByCargoWeight(Double.valueOf(needle)); break;
                case "CargoVolume": found = this.searchByCargoVolume(Double.valueOf(needle)); break;
                case "CargoValue": found = this.searchByCargoValue(Double.valueOf(needle)); break;

                case "Skill": found = this.searchBySkill(needle); break;

                case "Requirement": found = this.searchByRequirement(needle); break;
                case "Duration": found = this.searchByDuration(Double.valueOf(needle)); break;

                default: break;
        return found;
    private boolean validateSearch(String st, String isType) {
        try {
            switch (isType) {
                case "Name": break;
                case "Index": Integer.valueOf(st); break;
                case "Parent": Integer.valueOf(st); break;
                case "Weight": Double.valueOf(st); break;
                case "Length": Double.valueOf(st); break;
                case "Width": Double.valueOf(st); break;
                case "Draft": Double.valueOf(st); break;
                case "NumPassengers": Integer.valueOf(st); break;
                case "NumRooms": Integer.valueOf(st); break;
                case "NumOccupied": Integer.valueOf(st); break;
                case "CargoWeight": Double.valueOf(st); break;
                case "CargoVolume": Double.valueOf(st); break;
                case "CargoValue": Double.valueOf(st); break;
                case "Skill": break;
                case "Requirement": break;
                case "Duration": Double.valueOf(st); break;
                default: throw new NumberFormatException("Could not validate search for " + isType);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            return false;
        return true;

note: due to limited character i cant able to post all files. Program is working well

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