
In: Computer Science

Use logical language Prolog. Use SWISH (SWI Prolog for Sharing) Write a Prolog program that finds...

Use logical language Prolog. Use SWISH (SWI Prolog for Sharing)

Write a Prolog program that finds the maximum of a list of numbers. Submission file should include a screenshot with tracing a program execution when a list only has 2 members and execution without tracing when a list has 8 elements.


Expert Solution

%max in list
maxlist([X|L],M):- max(L,X,M). % call accumulator to find max
max([X|L],C,M):- C =< X ,
           M1 is X,
max([_|L],C,M):- max(L,C,M).

% tracing and output with 2 elements

% ouput with 8 elements


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