
In: Statistics and Probability

Simple Linear Regression Hypothesis Test A researcher was interested in whether there was a positive predictive...

Simple Linear Regression Hypothesis Test

A researcher was interested in whether there was a positive predictive relationship between the number of years employed at a company and the annual salary in dollars. The following data was obtained for 10 participants:

Table 1

Data for Salary/Years of Job Experience



Salary (x 1000 $)































Conduct the 4 steps of hypothesis testing to evaluate whether the number of years is a statistically significant positive predictor of the annual gross salary.


Expert Solution

Independent variable (X) : Year

Dependent variable (Y): Salary

Following is the output of regression analysis:

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.831931737
R Square 0.692110414
Adjusted R Square 0.653624216
Standard Error 14.44567609
Observations 10
df SS MS F Significance F
Regression 1 3752.719618 3752.719618 17.98334071 0.002834861
Residual 8 1669.420462 208.6775577
Total 9 5422.14008
Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%
Intercept 33.27771453 8.243854961 4.036669093 0.003753084 14.26735091 52.28807814
Years 2.825386939 0.666258476 4.240676916 0.002834861 1.28899214 4.361781738

That is we have

Hypotheses are:

The test statistics is

t = 4.241

Degree of freedom: df=n-2=8

The p-value using excel function "=TDIST(4.241,8,1)" is 0.0014.

Since p-value is less than 0.05 so we reject the null hypothesis. That is we can conclude that the number of years is a statistically significant positive predictor of the annual gross salary.

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