
In: Computer Science

Chapter 9 Programming Project (Inheritance, Abstract Class/Methods, Overriding Methods) -For all classes, you need to provide...

Chapter 9 Programming Project (Inheritance, Abstract Class/Methods, Overriding Methods)

-For all classes, you need to provide the accessor and mutator methods for all instance variables, and provide/override the toString methods.

-Create a Customer class that has the attributes of name and age. Provide a method named importanceLevel. Based on the requirements below, I would make this method abstract.

-Extend Customer to two subclasses: FlightCustomer, and RetailCustomer

-FlightCustomer attributes: ticketPrice, seatNumber (The seat number should be a randomly generated number between 1 to 200)

-RetailCustomer attributes: itemsPurchased, totalSpent.

-For both FlighCustomer and RetailCustomer, you need to provide the implementation for the importanceLevel method. There are four levels: gold, silver, bronze, regular. For FlighCustomer, the level is based on the ticketPrice; for RetailCustomer, the level is based on the average price of each item.

-Instantiate three Customers for each class (six allotter) and tests ALL methods in a meaningful/informative way.

-Programming Language is Java


Expert Solution

Java Code:

import java.util.Random;
abstract class Customer{
String name;
int age;
Customer(String name,int age){;
//getter method for name
public String getName() {
return name;
//getter method for age
public int getAge() {
return age;

// Setter method for name
public void setName(String Name) { = Name;
//setter method for age
public void setAge(int Age) {
this.age = Age;
// abstract method
abstract void importanceLevel();
//toString method
public String toString()
return ("The Persons's name is : "+name + " & age is : " + age );
class FlightCustomer extends Customer{
int ticketPrice, seatNumber;
Random rand = new Random();
// Generate random integers in range 0 to 200
int rand1 = rand.nextInt(200);
int rand2 = rand.nextInt(200);
FlightCustomer(String name,int age,int ticketPrice){
this.ticketPrice= ticketPrice;
//getter method
public int getTicketPrice() {
return ticketPrice;
//getter method
public int getSeatNumber() {
return seatNumber;

// Setter method
public void setTicketPrice(int ticketPrice) {
//setter method
public void setSeatNumber() {
this.seatNumber = rand2;
//toString method
public String toString()
return ("The Persons's name is : "+name + " & age is : " + age + " & TicketPrice is " +ticketPrice +" & seatnumber is : " +seatNumber );
//here we implementing abstract method of customer class
public void importanceLevel(){
System.out.println("Level is gold");
if(ticketPrice>=400 && ticketPrice<500){
System.out.println("Level is silver");
if(ticketPrice>=300 && ticketPrice<400){
System.out.println("Level is bronze");
System.out.println("Level is regular");

class RetailCustomer extends Customer{
int itemsPurchased, totalSpent;
RetailCustomer(String name,int age,int itemsPurchased,int totalSpent){
//getter method
public int getItemsPurchased() {
return itemsPurchased;
//getter method
public int getTotalSpent() {
return totalSpent;

// Setter method
public void setItemsPurchased(int itemsPurchased) {
//setter method
public void setTotalSpent(int totalSpent) {
//toString method
public String toString()
return ("The Persons's name is : "+name + " & age is : " + age +" & itemPurchased is : "+ itemsPurchased+" & totalspent is : " +totalSpent);
//here we implementing abstract method of customer class
public void importanceLevel(){
int avgPrice;
//if itemPurchased is zero.then avgPrice will be we handel that case using the following try catch block
try {
avgPrice = totalSpent / itemsPurchased;

catch(ArithmeticException e){
System.out.println("Item purchased can not be zero");
System.out.println("Level is gold");
if(avgPrice>=400 && avgPrice<500){
System.out.println("Level is silver");
if(avgPrice>=300 && avgPrice<400){
System.out.println("Level is bronze");
System.out.println("Level is regular");


public class HelloWorld{

public static void main(String []args){
// here we create 3 FlightCustomer objects
FlightCustomer f1=new FlightCustomer("Ram",80,9000);
FlightCustomer f2=new FlightCustomer("sam",29,199);
FlightCustomer f3=new FlightCustomer("jodu",26,400);
// here we create 3 RetailedCustomer objects
RetailCustomer r1=new RetailCustomer("sanu",20,50,600);
RetailCustomer r2=new RetailCustomer("hanu",30,10,7000);
RetailCustomer r3=new RetailCustomer("bonu",40,15,300);

System.out.println("honu's age is : "+r2.getAge());
System.out.println("bonu's totalspent is : "+r3.getTotalSpent());


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