
In: Computer Science

Write a program to implement problem statement below: provide the menu for input N and number...

Write a program to implement problem statement below:

provide the menu for input N and number of experiment M to calculate average time on M runs. randomly generated list. State your estimate on the BigO number of your algorithm/program logic. (we discussed in the class) Measure the performance of your program by given different N with randomly generated list with multiple experiment of Ns against time to draw the BigO graph (using excel) we discussed during the lecture. Lab-08-BigBiggerBiggtest.png *** high level of algorithm for measurement,

Step1. Given N>0, M >0, Input N, M, set C=M

Step2. While C is greater than 0, repeat Step 3 to 8

Step3. Fill the Array[N] with random number

Step4. record start time

Step5. call biggest(Array[N] return the biggest number and position

Step6. record end time

Step7. decrement C

Step8, running time[C] = end time - start time

Step9, Calculate average running time based on running time[M]

Step10. Record N and average running time into 2D Array *** use of clock function for benchmarking measure in milliseconds, (Links to an external site.) *** you should use 2D array to store your experiment time with different N. biggest-example.rtf

Programming language: C++


Expert Solution




using namespace std;

double calculate(double arr[], int l)


double avg=0.0;

int x;






return avg;


int biggest(int arr[], int n)


int x,idx,big=-1;







return idx;


int main()


vector<pair<int,double> >result;

cout<<"Enter 1 for iteration\nEnter 2 for exit\n";

int choice;




int n,m;

cout<<"Enter N"<<endl;


cout<<"Enter M"<<endl;


int c=m;

double running_time[c];



int arr[n];

int x;


arr[x] = rand();


clock_t start = clock();

int pos = biggest(arr,n);

clock_t t_end = clock();


running_time[c] = 1000.0*(t_end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;


double avg_running_time = calculate(running_time,m);


cout<<"Enter 1 for iteration\nEnter 2 for exit\n";



for(int x=0;x<result.size();x++)


cout<<result[x].first<<" "<<result[x].second<<endl;



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