
In: Computer Science

Write a modularized, menu-driven program to read a file with unknown number of records. Input file...

Write a modularized, menu-driven program to read a file with unknown number of records.

  • Input file has unknown number of records of inventory items, but no more than 100; one record per line in the following order: item ID, item name (one word), quantity on hand , and a price
  • All fields in the input file are separated by a tab (‘\t’) or a blank ( up to you)
  • No error checking of the data required
  • Create a menu which allows to
    • print inventory unsorted
    • search for an item by ID or name
    • sort by any field in ascending order (smallest to largest): item ID, item name (one word), quantity on hand , or price. Write one function, that can sort by any field. Do not copy and paste sort code five times into the same function. Tip: use bubble sort. It is easier to modify.
    • quit the program
  • A user should be able to run many as many times as user wants
  • NO goto, continue, break (except for switch)
  • Clearly label the output
  • Well document your code (comments)
  • Include your test data
  • All items are unique

Record sample:

997196478 Stroller 25 134.78


Expert Solution

Note: Done accordingly. Please comment for any problem. Please Uprate. Thanks.


// InvenrotyManagement.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.

using namespace std;

//structure containing ID, name, quantity and price
typedef struct{
   string ID;
   string name;
   string quantity;
   string price;

//swap two structures, this helps in bubble sort function
void swap(item *xp, item *yp)
   item temp = *xp;
   *xp = *yp;
   *yp = temp;

//Searching By ID and if found print details else print not found
void searchByID(item inventory[100],int size){
   string ID;
   cout<<"Please give ID :";//taking ID from user
   for(int i=0;i<size;i++){//looping through whole inventory
       if(inventory[i].ID==ID)//checking if ID matches, if yes print results and return
   cout<<"ID not found.\n";

//sorting using bubble sort.
void sort(item inventory[100],int size,int sortBy){
   int i, j;
   bool condition;
   for (i = 0; i < size-1; i++) {
       for (j = 0; j < size-i-1; j++){
           //checking condition based in user selection
               condition=inventory[j].ID > inventory[j+1].ID;
           else if(sortBy==1){
               condition=inventory[j].name > inventory[j+1].name;
           else if(sortBy==2){
               condition=inventory[j].quantity > inventory[j+1].quantity;
           else if(sortBy==3){
               condition=inventory[j].price > inventory[j+1].price;
           if (condition){ //if condition is true swap
               swap(&inventory[j], &inventory[j+1]);

//reading file
void readFile(item inventory[100],int* size){
   ifstream file("inventory.txt");
   if (file.is_open()) {
       string line;
       //reading file line by line
       while (getline(file, line)) {
           size_t pos = 0;
           string token;
           item temp;
           pos = line.find(" ");//finding position of space
           token = line.substr(0, pos);//getting substring from start to space location
           temp.ID=token;//first is ID
           line.erase(0, pos + 1);//removing ID part from line
           //repeating process for name,price and quantity
           pos = line.find(" ");
           token = line.substr(0, pos);
           line.erase(0, pos + 1);

           pos = line.find(" ");
           token = line.substr(0, pos);
           line.erase(0, pos + 1);
       cout<<"Cannot open file.\n";

//printing inventory
void printList(item inventory[100],int size){
   for(int i=0;i<size;i++){

int showMenu(){
   //choice variable
   int choice=8;
   //showing Menu
   cout<<"Please choose :\n";
   cout<<"1) Print Inventory.\n";
   cout<<"2) Search By ID.\n";
   cout<<"3) Sort By ID.\n";
   cout<<"4) Sort By Name.\n";
   cout<<"5) Sort By Quantity.\n";
   cout<<"6) Sort By Price.\n";
   cout<<"7) Exit.\n";
   //taking choice
   //take choice again for invalid input
   while(choice<1 || choice>7){
       cout<<"Please choose valid input: ";
   //clearing cin
   return choice;
void main(){
   //array of structure item
   item inventory[100];
   int size=0;
   int choice=1;
   //reading file and storing in array
   //continue untill user chooses to exit
       switch (choice)
       case 1://for case 1 print inventory
       case 2:
           //for input 2 search inventory by ID
       case 3:
           //sort inventory by ID
       case 4:
           // sort inventory by name
       case 5:
           // sort inventory by quantity
       case 6:
           // sort inventory by price
       case 7:
           //printing message for invalid input
           cout<<"Invalid Input. Please try again.\n";


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