In: Math
PYTHON: The following puzzle is known as The Big Cross-Out Swindle.“Beginning with the word ‘NAISNIENLGELTETWEORRSD,’ cross out nine letters in such a way that the remaining letters spell a single word”. Write a program that creates variables named startingWord, crossedOutLetters, andremainingLetters. The program should assign to startingWord the string given in the puzzle, assign tocrossedOutLetters a list containing every other letter of startingWordbeginning with the initial letter N, and assign to remainingLetters a list containing every other letter of startingWord beginning with the second letter, A. The program should then display the values of the three variables.
Sample output:
Code to copy:
public class Author
protected String name;
protected String email;
protected char gender;
public Author(String name, String email, char gender)
{ = name; = email;
this.gender = gender;
//returns name
public String getName()
return name;
//returns email
public String getEmail()
return email;
//returns gender
public char getGener()
return gender;
//sets email
public void setEmail(String email)
{ = email;
//returns a string with name and email
public String toString()
return ( name + "(" + gender + ") at " + email);
public class Book
private String name;
private Author author;
private double price;
private int qtyInStock = 0;
public Book(String name, Author author,Double price)
{ = author; = name;
this.price = price;
public Book(String name, Author author, double price, int qtyInStock)
{ = name; = author;
this.price = price;
this.qtyInStock = qtyInStock;
//returns name
public String getName()
return name;
//returns auther
public Author getAuthor()
return author;
//returns price of the book
public double getPrice()
return price;
//Returns the quantity
public int getQtyInStock()
return qtyInStock;
//sets the price of the book
public void setPrice(double price)
this.price = price;
//sets the quantity
public void setQtyInStock(int qtyInStock)
this.qtyInStock = qtyInStock;
//returns a string with name of the book and author details
public String toString()
return (name + " by "+author);//Automatically author.toString() is called
public class TestBook
public static void main(String[] args)
//Test Book class constructors
Author oneAuthor=new Author("Tan Ah Teck","[email protected]",'m');
Book book1=new Book("Introduction to authors",oneAuthor,15.50,300);
Book book2=new Book("Introduction to authoring",new Author("James philip","[email protected]",'m'),15.50,330);