
In: Psychology

Dependent on the jurisdiction some juvenile criminal records may be sealed or expunged with relative ease....

Dependent on the jurisdiction some juvenile criminal records may be sealed or expunged with relative ease. Considering that some juvenile offenses can be particularly egregious should juveniles be able to seal or expunge their records. What should be the limits of their ability to seal or expunge records?


Expert Solution

Juvenil delinquents have been provided with a privilege to seal their crime records once they achieve age of 18. However , many states provide for non sealability of record for heinous crimes that are extremely horrific .

There are arguements for both side of debate , whether it should be allowed or not to seal the document record of crime for egrigious records.

A juvenile of age 15 or 16 , if commits a major crime like planned murder and rape , should not be treated on par with child who commits crime incidentally or minor crime. Moreover , such records even if sealed for general public , mist be available and should be produced before court if the same person is convicted or even alleged for crime committed in future so that his past deeds are also taken into account .

The logic behind providing sealing option is that juvenile is not mature enough at the time of commiaaioncof crime . So , they must not be punished as adult and records be sealed to help them avoid problems in employment , getting rent accommodation etc. But certain crimes can be done only when you act maturely . So , those crimes must be dealt differently than typical juvenile cases.

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