
In: Computer Science

Give an example of how to build an array of objects of a super class with...

Give an example of how to build an array of objects of a super class with its subclass objects. As well as, use an enhanced for-loop to traverse through the array while calling a static method(superclass x). Finally, create a static method for the class that has the parent class reference variable.


Expert Solution

public class Colleges


    private static Teacher[] teachers;

    public Colleges()


    teachers= new Teacher[]{new Dean("Sapo",10000),new Teacher("James",5000),new Teacher("Jessie",5001)};


    public static void main(String[] args)


        Colleges colleges= new Colleges();






public class Teacher extends Person

 int salary;
public Teacher(String name,int salary) {

    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

public void setSalary(int salary)

    this.salary= salary;

public int getSalary()

    return salary;



public class Dean extends Teacher {
  private final int bonus;

  public Dean(String name, int salary, int bonus) {
    super(name, salary);
    this.bonus = bonus;

  int getSalary() {
    return super.getSalary() + bonus;


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