
In: Computer Science

We need a Stock and Bond trading application. Here is what is required: Create Menu with...

We need a Stock and Bond trading application. Here is what is required:

Create Menu with the options organized as below:

     A. Buy Bonds                B. Sell Bonds
     C. Buy Stocks               D. Sell Stocks       E. Short Stock Sale

   X. Exit

Here are the steps involved.

  1. Create a char variable named menuChoice.
  2. Display the menu as described above.
  3. Prompt for the menu choice (A-E,X) (Assume the input will be uppercased).
  4. Use an IF statement to validate that the choices are within A through E or is X. If not, display "Invalid choice" and issue a return 5; statement.
  5. Using a Switch statement, display the following for the given choices.
    1. User selected Buy Bonds
    2. User selected Sell Bonds
    3. User selected Buy Stocks
    4. User selected Sell Stocks
    5. User selected Short Stock Sale

                  X. Done!

       6. The program will end after Step 5 is completed.


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in C++ and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.

Source Code for main.cpp:

//An application for Stock and Bond Trading.

//Declare our included libraries
#include <iostream>   //for using cout & cin
#include <chrono> //for using microseconds & seconds
#include <thread> //for using sleep_for

//Simplistic approach using switch casing.

int main()   //Usually I would not stick everything into main, but for the sake of learning we shall.
   //Declare variables.
   char menuChoice;
   bool isRunning = true;
   enum choices{A, B, C, D, E, X};

   //Declare our loop.
   while(isRunning)   //While the program is running, loop.
       std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds{ 5 }); //Sleep for 5 seconds.
       std::cout << "A. Buy Bonds\tB. Sell Bonds\nC. Buy Stocks\tD. Sell Stocks\nE. Short Stock Sale\tX. Exit\nPlease input the letter corresponding with your choice: ";   //Output Choices
       std::cin >> menuChoice;   //Input user choice.

       if(menuChoice == 'A' || menuChoice == 'B' || menuChoice == 'C' || menuChoice == 'D' || menuChoice == 'E'
           || menuChoice == 'X' )   //Check for inputs to match parameters.
           switch (1)   //Begin Switch Statement.
           case 1: if (menuChoice == 'A')   //Cases 1 - 6, check if input matches parameter.
               std::cout << "\nUser Selected Buy Bonds";   //Output.
               break;   //Break.
           case 2: if (menuChoice == 'B')
               std::cout << "\nUser Selected Sell Bonds";
           case 3: if (menuChoice == 'C')
               std::cout << "\nUser Selected Buy Stocks";
           case 4: if (menuChoice == 'D')
               std::cout << "\nUser Selected Sell Stocks";
           case 5: if (menuChoice == 'E')
               std::cout << "\nUser Selected Short Stock Sale";
           case 6: if (menuChoice == 'X')
               std::cout << "\nX. Done!";
               isRunning = false;   //Make isRunning false, end the loop.
               //Adding a break here is redundant.
           std::cout << "\nInvalid Choice.\n";
           return 5;
   return 0;

Sample Output Screenshots:

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