
In: Computer Science

Use menu based functionality and validation loops to create a new customer bonus fruit package application...

Use menu based functionality and validation loops to create a new customer bonus fruit package application for the Dirt to Dish discount produce company.

The program you create will prompt the user to enter a number to select one of three bonus pack options:

1 for Apple pack
2 for Orange pack
3 for Banana pack

**Use input validation to ensure a valid option has been selected before proceeding.

Use variables to keep track of how many of each fruit a customer will have depending on which bonus pack has been chosen. The amount of fruit per bonus pack is given as follows:

Banana pack: 5 bananas, 2 apples, 2 oranges
Orange pack: 5 oranges, 2 apples, 2 bananas
Apple pack: 5 apples, 2 bananas, 2 oranges

Use menu based functionality and input validation and prompt the user to choose from one of the following recipes:

1. Fruit medley (2 of each fruit)
2. Mixed Apple Pie (3 apples, 1 orange, 1 banana)
3. Banana tower (4 bananas, 2 oranges)
The amount of fruit required for each recipe is shown in parenthesis.

After a valid recipe choice has been made, subtract the amount of fruit needed for the recipe if the customer has enough fruit. If the customer does not have enough fruit then show a message telling the customer to buy more fruits.

Finally display the amount of fruit remaining from the bonus pack after the recipe selection has been made.

First example run:

This is Dirt to Dish's new customer bonus service!
Please select your free fruit package:
1. Apple pack
2. Orange pack
3. Banana pack
Please enter 1, 2, or 3: 2
You have chosen: Orange pack

You have a total of:
2 apples 5 oranges 2 bananas
Which dish would you like to make first?
1. Fruit medley (2 of each fruit)
2. Mixed Apple Pie (3apples, 1 orange, 1 banana
3. Banana tower (4 bananas, 2 oranges
Please enter 1, 2, or 3: 2
Mixed Apple Pie chosen
Sorry, you need more fruits!
The fruit you have left is:
2 apples
5 oranges
2 bananas

Thank you!


Expert Solution


Python version : 2.7

Python program to create a new customer bonus fruit package application

for the Dirt to Dish discount produce company.


def main():

               # variables to store the number of apples, oranges and bananas

               numApples = 0

               numOranges = 0

               numBananas = 0


               print("This is Dirt to Dish's new customer bonus service!")

               # input of pack choice

               print('Please select your free fruit package:')

               print('1. Apple pack')

               print('2. Orange pack')

               print('3. Banana pack')

               packChoice = int(raw_input('Please enter 1, 2, or 3:'))


               # validate the pack choice and re-prompt in case of invalid values

               while(packChoice < 1 or packChoice > 3):

                              print('Invalid choice.')

                              packChoice = int(raw_input('Please enter 1, 2, or 3:'))


               # set the number of apples, oranges and bananas based on the pack choice

               if packChoice == 1:

                              print('You have chosen: Apple pack')

                              numApples = 5

                              numBananas = 2

                              numOranges = 2

               elif packChoice == 2:

                              print('You have chosen: Orange pack')

                              numApples = 2

                              numOranges = 5

                              numBananas = 2


                              print('You have chosen: Banana pack')

                              numApples = 2

                              numOranges = 2

                              numBananas = 5


               print('\nYou have a total of:')

               print('%d apples %d oranges %d bananas' %(numApples,numOranges,numBananas))

               # input of dish choice

               print('Which dish would you like to make first?')

               print('1. Fruit medley (2 of each fruit)')

               print('2. Mixed Apple Pie (3apples, 1 orange, 1 banana)')

               print('3. Banana tower (4 bananas, 2 oranges)')

               dishChoice = int(raw_input('Please enter 1, 2, or 3: '))


               # validate the dish choice and re-prompt in case of invalid values

               while(dishChoice < 1 or dishChoice > 3):

                              print('Invalid choice.')

                              dishChoice = int(raw_input('Please enter 1, 2, or 3:'))


               enoughFruits = True

               # check if enough fruits are available to create the dish and calculate the number of remaining fruits after creating the dish

               if dishChoice == 1:

                              print('Fruit medley chosen')

                              enoughFruits = (numApples >= 2 and numBananas >=2 and numOranges >=2)

                              if enoughFruits :

                                             numApples -= 2

                                             numBananas -= 2

                                             numOranges -= 2


               elif dishChoice == 2:

                              print('Mixed Apple Pie chosen')

                              enoughFruits = (numApples >=3 and numOranges >=1 and numBananas >=1)

                              if enoughFruits :

                                             numApples -= 3

                                             numBananas -= 1

                                             numOranges -= 1


                              print('Banana tower chosen')

                              enoughFruits = (numBananas >=4 and numOranges >=2)

                              if enoughFruits :

                                             numBananas -= 4

                                             numOranges -= 2


               # if not enough fruits available, then print the message

               if not enoughFruits:

                              print('Sorry, you need more fruits!')

               # print the remaining fruits

               print('The fruit you have left is:')


               # only print those fruits that are remaining, not print 0 valued fruits

               if numApples > 0:

                              print('%d apples' %(numApples))


               if numOranges > 0:

                              print('%d oranges '%(numOranges))


               if numBananas > 0:

                              print('%d bananas' %(numBananas))

               print('\nThank you!')       

# call the main function


#end of program

Code Screenshot:


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