
In: Computer Science

Write a procedure to calculate Average of numbers(integers) using Arrays. Send base address of array in...

Write a procedure to calculate Average of numbers(integers) using Arrays. Send base address of array in register $a1 and Array length in register $a2 to the procedure and return Average in register $v0 to main program.


Expert Solution

Below code is tested on MIPS64 gcc 5.4 version . Please run below given code on this compiler and if not then make necessary changes to run on your platform. Thanks


.word 20

.word 3

.word 5

.word 4

.word 2


daddiu $sp,$sp,-64

sd $31,56($sp)

sd $fp,48($sp)

sd $28,40($sp)

move $fp,$sp

lui $28,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(main)))

daddu $28,$28,$25

daddiu $28,$28,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(main)))

ld $2,%got_page(.LC0)($28)

daddiu $3,$2,%got_ofst(.LC0)

ldl $4,%got_ofst(.LC0)($2)

ldr $4,7($3)

daddiu $3,$2,%got_ofst(.LC0)

ldl $5,8($3)

ldr $5,15($3)

move $3,$5

sd $4,8($fp)

sd $3,16($fp)

daddiu $2,$2,%got_ofst(.LC0)

lw $2,16($2)

sw $2,24($fp)

sw $0,0($fp)

sw $0,4($fp)


lw $2,4($fp)

slt $2,$2,5

beq $2,$0,.L2


lw $2,4($fp)

dsll $2,$2,2

daddu $2,$fp,$2

lw $2,8($2)

lw $3,0($fp)

addu $2,$3,$2

sw $2,0($fp)

lw $2,4($fp)

addiu $2,$2,1

sw $2,4($fp)

b .L3



lw $5,0($fp)

move $4,$5

move $3,$4

dsll $2,$3,1

move $3,$2

dsll $2,$3,2

dsubu $2,$2,$3

dsll $3,$2,4

daddu $2,$2,$3

dsll $3,$2,8

daddu $2,$2,$3

dsll $3,$2,16

daddu $2,$2,$3

daddu $2,$2,$4

dsrl $2,$2,32

sll $2,$2,0

sra $3,$2,1

sra $2,$5,31

subu $2,$3,$2

sw $2,0($fp)

lw $2,0($fp)

move $5,$2

ld $2,%got_page(.LC1)($28)

daddiu $4,$2,%got_ofst(.LC1)

ld $2,%call16(printf)($28)

move $25,$2

1: jalr $25


move $2,$0

move $sp,$fp

ld $31,56($sp)

ld $fp,48($sp)

ld $28,40($sp)

daddiu $sp,$sp,64

j $31


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