
In: Computer Science

Problem 1: Unsorted arrays Given an array of integers that is unsorted, implement the following functions:...

Problem 1: Unsorted arrays Given an array of integers that is unsorted, implement the following functions:

myAdd ( ): add an integer d to the array; return 0 if the operation is successful; return a negative number otherwise.

search ( ): given an integer d, if d is found in the array, return the index of the cell containing d. Return a negative number otherwise (e.g., d is not found in the array).

myRemove ( ): Step 1: remove integer d from the array; return 0 if the operation is successful; return a negative number otherwise (e.g., d is not found in the array).

Step 2: If element removed, shift the last element in the array into the position the removed element was in. (For example, if the Array is 10 -98 5 -67, and 10 is removed, the array should now look like this -67 -98 5).

******No points for deleting the element, but not shifting the array.

Problem 2: Submit a report with following information: error conditions and actions taken; brief algorithm; running time of the function (algorithm) (what was the complexity O(n), O(1), etc) and a brief explanation.

Augment the following code to produce your results:

#include <stdio.h>


#define MAX_SIZE 20
#define SUCCESS 0

/******************  YOUR CODE STARTS HERE ******************/
   Input: array A with "size" elements and an integer d
   Output: d is added to the array.
   Return 0 if the addition is successful.
   Return a negative number if the addition is unsuccessful.
   Error condition(s): fill in the error condition(s).
int myAdd( int A[], int size, int d )
   return 0;

   Input: array A with "size" elements and an integer d
   Output: If d is found in the array, return the index of the cell containing d.
   Otherwise return a negative number if d is not found.
   Error condition(s): fill in the error condition(s).
int search( int A[], int size, int d )
   return 0;

   Input: array A with "size" elements and an integer d
   Output: Return a negative number if d is not found.
   Otherwise d is removed from the array and return 0.
   Error condition(s): fill in the error condition(s).

int myRemove( int A[], int size, int d )
   return 0;

/*******************  YOUR CODE ENDS HERE *******************/


   Input: array A with "size" elements
   Output: Display the array on the standard output with one space between every two numbers. 
   Print a new line after the last element.
   If the array is empty, print "Empty array" and a new line.
   Error condition(s): fill in the error condition(s).

int printArray( int A[], int size )
  int i;
  if ( size == 0 )
    printf( "Empty array\n" );
  else {
  for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
     printf("%d ", A[ i ] );
  printf( "\n" );
  return 0;

/* main() function 
int main()
int myArray[MAX_SIZE];
int retCode, data, size;
char action;

size = 0;
do {
  scanf( "%d %c", &data, &action );
  switch( action )
    case 'a': /* add */
    case  'A':
      retCode = myAdd( myArray, size, data );
      if ( retCode == SUCCESS ) {
        size++;         // increment size after successful addition
        printArray( myArray, size ); 
        printf( "Failed to add %d.\n", data );  
    case 'r': /* remove */
    case 'R':
      retCode = myRemove( myArray, size, data );
      if ( retCode == SUCCESS ) {
        size--;         // decrement size after successful removal
        printArray( myArray, size ); 
        printf( "Failed to remove %d.\n", data );    
    case 's': /* search */
    case 'S':
      retCode = search( myArray, size, data );
      if( retCode >= 0 )
        printf( "Found %d at index %d.\n", data, retCode );
        printf( "Not found %d.\n", data );        
    case 'q':  /* quit */
    case 'Q':
      /* To quit, enter an arbitrary integer and character (action) 'q' or 'Q'.
         This is not elegant but makes the code simpler.  */  
      /* Do nothing but exit the switch statement */
      printf( "Invalid operation %c\n", action );  
} while ( action != 'q' && action != 'Q' );

return 0; 
} // end main

Check your code with the following sample output:

// Note: The following output assumes an array of maximum size of 5 elements.
// Your program requires an array of maximum size of 20, so it must be able  
// to accept and store up to 20 elements.

indigo 239 % ./a.out 
10 a
-98 a
10 -98 
5 a
10 -98 5 
67 a
10 -98 5 67 
5 s
Found 5 at index 2.
10 s
Found 10 at index 0.
-67 a
10 -98 5 67 -67 
90 a
Failed to add 90.
67 r
10 -98 5 -67 
-1 r
Failed to remove -1.
-5 s
Not found -5.
10 r
-67 -98 5 
-98 r
-67 5 
5 r
-67 r
Empty array
10 r
Failed to remove 10.
6 s
Not found 6.
100 q
indigo 240 % 


Expert Solution

#define MAX_SIZE 20
#define SUCCESS 0
int printArray( int A[], int size )
int i;
if ( size == 0 )
printf( "Empty array\n" );
else {
for ( i = 0; i < size; i++ )
printf("%d ", A[ i ] );
printf( "\n" );
return 0;

int myAdd( int myArray[], int size, int data)
int i;
return 0;

int myRemove(int myArray[], int size, int data )
{ int i;
for (i=0; i< size; i++)
myArray[i] = myArray[i+1];
return 0;
return 1;

int search(int myArray[], int size, int data )
{ int i;
for (i=0; i< size; i++)
return i;
return -1;

/* main() function
int main()
int myArray[MAX_SIZE];
int retCode, data, size;
char action;

size = 0;
do {
scanf( "%d %c", &data, &action );
switch( action )
case 'a': /* add */
case 'A':
retCode = myAdd( myArray, size, data );
if ( retCode == SUCCESS ) {
size++; // increment size after successful addition
printArray( myArray, size );

printf( "Failed to add %d.\n", data );
case 'r': /* remove */
case 'R':
retCode = myRemove( myArray, size, data );
if ( retCode == SUCCESS ) {
size--; // decrement size after successful removal
printArray( myArray, size );
printf( "Failed to remove %d.\n", data );
case 's': /* search */
case 'S':
retCode = search( myArray, size, data );
if( retCode >= 0 )
printf( "Found %d at index %d.\n", data, retCode );
printf( "Not found %d.\n", data );
case 'q': /* quit */
case 'Q':
/* To quit, enter an arbitrary integer and character (action) 'q' or 'Q'.
This is not elegant but makes the code simpler. */
/* Do nothing but exit the switch statement */
printf( "Invalid operation %c\n", action );
} while ( action != 'q' && action != 'Q' );

return 0;


I implemented myAdd,myRemove and serch functions.

I corrected code in this case

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