The main objectives of financial reporting in the government
sector are
a) Financial reporting should assist in fulfilling the
government's duty to be publicly accountable and should enable
users to assess that accountability by:
- Providing information to determine whether current-year
revenues were sufficient to pay for current-year services
- Demonstrating whether resources were obtained and used in
accordance with the entity's legally adopted budget, and
demonstrating compliance with other finance-related legal or
contractual requirements
- Providing information to assist users in assessing the service
efforts, costs, and accomplishments of the governmental entity
b) Financial reporting should assist users in evaluating the
operating results of the governmental entity for the year by:
- Providing information about sources and uses of financial
- Providing information about how it financed its activities and
met its cash requirements
- Providing information necessary to determine whether its
financial position improved or deteriorated as a result of the
year's operations
c) Financial reporting should assist users in assessing the
level of services that can be provided by the governmental entity
and its ability to meet its obligations as they become due by:
- Providing information about its financial position and
- Providing information about its physical and other nonfinancial
resources having useful lives that extend beyond the current year,
including information that can be used to assess the service
potential of those resources
- Disclosing legal or contractual restrictions on resources and
the risk of potential loss of resources.