
In: Computer Science

java Programming Problem 1: Reverse Characters Create an application ReverseCharacters in which you use an array-based...

java Programming Problem 1: Reverse Characters Create an application ReverseCharacters in which you use an array-based stack to read a sentence from the keyboard, and reverse the order of the letters in each word. Print the initial sentence, as well as the result of the reversal operation. Your Tasks: Using the information given in your textbook, create a class named ArrayBasedStack, that will help you solve the problem given above by providing the stack operations you need for this application. Create a class ReverseCharacters that solves the problem mentioned above using an array-based stack, implemented in the class required above. Note that the order of the words in the sentence remains the same, the scope being to reverse the characters in each word. If you implement all the required methods correctly, the driver program should generate outputs similar to the following:


Expert Solution

Short Summary:

  • Implemented the program using stack
  • Attached source code and output

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Source Code:


//This is an array based stack providing stack operations
public class ArrayBasedStack {

   //Instance variables
   private int top;
   private int capacity;
   private char[] array;
   public ArrayBasedStack(int capacity) {
       this.capacity = capacity;
       this.array = new char[capacity]; = -1;
   //Checks if array is full
   public boolean isFull() {
       return == this.capacity - 1;
   //Checks if array is empty
   public boolean isEmpty() {
       return == -1;

   //Pushes an element to stack
   public void push(char value) {
       if(!this.isFull()) {
           this.array[] = value;
   //Pops an element out of stack

   public char pop() {
       return this.isEmpty()?'\u0000':this.array[];

   //Reverses the characters in the array
   public String reverseCharacters(char[] str) {

       int n=str.length;
       int i;
       for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {

       for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
           str[i] = pop();

       return String.valueOf(str);



import java.util.Scanner;

//This class is used to reverse the characters in each word in the given sentence
public class ReverseCharacters {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //Get user input using scanner
       Scanner input=new Scanner(;
       System.out.println("Enter your sentence below:");
       String str = input.nextLine();
       //Split the sentence by words
       String[] strArr=str.split(" ");
       //Pass every word to reverse
       for(int i=0;i<strArr.length;i++)
           char[] charArr = strArr[i].toCharArray();
           int size = charArr.length;
           //Create ArrayBasedStack instance
           ArrayBasedStack stack = new ArrayBasedStack(str.length());
           System.out.print( stack.reverseCharacters(charArr)+" ");

Code Screenshot:


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