
In: Computer Science

Draw parse trees for nine strings in question one, using their grammars. For the following grammars,...

Draw parse trees for nine strings in question one, using their grammars.

  1. For the following grammars, write the leftmost derivation for the strings given with each. Next to each derivation step, write the number of the rule used. Do not combine steps.  
    1. grammar (3 rules), Σ = {a, b}:

S -> aSbS | bSaS | ε

strings (3): ab, baab, bbaa

  1. grammar (6 rules), Σ = {0, 1}:

S -> A1B

A -> 0A | ε

B -> 0B | 1B | ε

strings (3): 1, 0011, 01010

  1. grammar (6 rules), Σ = { +, x, a, (, ) }

E -> E + T | T

T -> T x F | F

F -> (E) | a

strings (3): a, a x a, (a) + a x a,

  1. grammar (4 rules), Σ = {(, ), [, ]}:

S -> (S) | [S] | SS | ε

strings (3): ( ), [ ] ( ), ( [ ] )  


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