
In: Biology

Create a picture that includes representations for each of these four processes: 1. redox chemistry 2....

Create a picture that includes representations for each of these four processes:

1. redox chemistry

2. Glycolysis

3. Fermentation

4. TCA/citric acid cycle

You should show the connections between these topics. The molecular pathways do not need to show all details but should have the main inputs and outputs (products) clearly labeled.


Expert Solution

  • all the four pathways are interlinked . glycolysis is refer to the glucose oxidation which occur in cytoplasm, one molecule of glucose produce two molecule of pyruvate. During this reaction two molecules of NAD+ get reduced to NADH.
  • fermentation occur when insufficient amount of oxygen is present , during fermentation pyruvate get converted either to lactate during lactic acid fermentation or alcohol during alcoholic fermentation. during this conversion two molecules of NADH oxidised to NAD +. lactate enter the TCA cycle by converting back to pyruvate.
  • pyruvate undergo oxidation and produce acetyl CoA .
  • acetyl CoA enter the TCA cycle and produce NADH and FADH2 . these reduced molecule enter the ETC and produce ATP.
  • each pathway is connected to one another. redox reaction is the integeral part of every pathways.

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