a. List and discuss the three basic types of engineering
b. List the role of Quality Control and Inspection during the
manufacture of a product.
c. List any two reasons why automation is preferred for a modern
manufacturing concern.
d. List any two factors that compel industrial outlets to computers
in design, manufacturing and
allied services.
(a) List and explain three types of pipeline hazards.
(b) List and explain three types of cache misses.
(c) What is the principle of locality?
(d). Discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the write back
and write through policy in the cache.
List the three (3) types of chemical bonding and discuss the
importance of each giving at least one example. How does chemical
bonding affect your everyday life?
We went over Sensors in class. There are other types of third
party sensors that work with the EV3 (or the NXT). Describe what
these types of sensors would be used for and how they work. They
can be short descriptions, but each sensor description should be
about three lines and in plain English. Tell the name of the third
party company that sells the sensor and how they can be used with
the EV3 or NXT (ex. some may...
List three types of products that have elastic pricing, and
three types of products that have inelastic pricing. Choose one of
the inelastic products and think of a specific product and brand in
that category. what do you think is the highest price the marketers
could charge for that product, before demand would be adversely
affected? Explain your thinking.
Please answer in 350-400 words
List three types of products that have elastic pricing, and
three types of products that have inelastic pricing. Choose one of
the inelastic products and think of a specific product and brand in
that category. what do you think is the highest price the marketers
could charge for that product, before demand would be adversely
affected? Explain your thinking.
List and discuss three industries that are affected by climate
change, and how are companies in these industries trying to reduce
the influence of climate change on their operations? List a company
from one of the industries that has been successful in implementing
a strategy that addresses this area and discuss what the company
has done.