
In: Computer Science

VB console .net framework I am missing something in my code below which will calculate factorials...

VB console .net framework

I am missing something in my code below which will calculate factorials individually into the file to be read by a sub using theis outdated language please Not Sreamwriter or Reader

fact*0, 2fact*0

Fact*1 , 2fact*1

Fact*2, 2fact*2

Fact*3, 2fact*3 (To 9)

Only the first 9 (0-8) but what I have doe calculates only the 9 factorial giving a single value

Public Function Calculate_fact(n_values As Integer) As Long
'calc local variables
Dim fact As Long = 1
Dim fact2n As Long
Dim i As Integer 'loop index
Dim fid1 As Integer = FreeFile()
FileOpen(fid1, "Newfile.dat", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Write) ' open output file
If n_values = 0 Then
Return fact
Else For i = 1 To n_values

Return fact = fact * i
Return fact2n = (2 * fact) * i
Next i
End If
MsgBox(fact, fact2n)
WriteLine(fid1, n_values, fact, fact2n)

End Function


Expert Solution

#include <stdio.h>

int main()


    int I , num , fact = 1; //defining factorial as 1 since least value is 1

   printf (“Enter a number to calculate its factorial”);

   scanf (“%d”, &num);

   if (num<0) //if the input is a negative integer


   printf (“Factorial is not defined for negative numbers.”);




   for(i=1;i<= num;i++) //for loop doesn’t gets executed for input 0 as 1>0, therefore fact value remains 1


fact = fact * i; // keeps on multiplying and storing in the value of factorial till the input integer is reached


   printf(“Factorial of %d = %dn”, num, fact);


    return 0; //since we have defined the main() method with a return value of integer type


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