
In: Computer Science

Design and define a class named Heart Monitor Station. The Heart Monitor station monitors the average...

Design and define a class named Heart Monitor Station. The Heart Monitor station monitors the average daily heart beats and keeps record of historical data. The measurement is taken and stored on a daily basis.

Basic Details

Your Heart Monitor Station class has the following data members

  • an array of dynamically allocated elements of type float that holds the daily heart beat averages.
  • a non-negative integer that stores the maximum number of daily heart beat averages that the Heart Monitor station can record.
  • a non-negative integer that stores how many instances of Type Heart Monitor Station exist in the program (were created but not destroyed)

A Heart Monitor Station object can be created in any one of these ways:

  • Default Constructor sets the maximum number of heart beat records to 50.
  • 1-argument Constructor specifies the maximum number of heart beat records that an instantiated Heart Monitor station object can hold. When a Heart Monitor Station object is created, an array of dynamically allocated Heart Beat Records must be created.
  • Copy Constructor
  • Move Constructor

Public Member Functions

  • numHeartStations returns how many instances of Type Heart Monitor Stations exist in the program(were created but not destroyed)
  • maxSize returns the maximum number of heart beat records that the Heart Station can carry

This will be done using C++


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

class HeartMonitorStation
   static int countStation;
   HeartMonitorStation(const HeartMonitorStation &);
   int numHeartStations();
   int maxSize();
   float * heart_beat_averages;
   int max;
// integer that stores how many instances of Type Heart Monitor Station exist in the program
int HeartMonitorStation::countStation;
//Default Constructor sets the maximum number of heart beat records to 50.
   max = 50;
   heart_beat_averages = new float[max];
//1-argument Constructor
HeartMonitorStation::HeartMonitorStation(int size)
   max = size;
   heart_beat_averages = new float[max];
//Copy Constructor
HeartMonitorStation::HeartMonitorStation(const HeartMonitorStation & other)
   this->max = other.max;
   heart_beat_averages = new float[max];
   for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
       this->heart_beat_averages[i] = other.heart_beat_averages[i];
//Move Constructor
HeartMonitorStation::HeartMonitorStation(HeartMonitorStation&& other)
   this->max = other.max;
   heart_beat_averages = new float[max];
   for (int i = 0; i < max; i++)
       this->heart_beat_averages[i] = other.heart_beat_averages[i];
   other.heart_beat_averages = nullptr;
//returns how many instances of Type Heart Monitor Stations exist in the program(were created but not destroyed)
int HeartMonitorStation::numHeartStations()
   return countStation;
// returns the maximum number of heart beat records that the Heart Station can carry
int HeartMonitorStation::maxSize()
   return max;

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