
In: Operations Management

Discuss the following: Most of us communicate regularly through email and texting whether it is socially,...

Discuss the following: Most of us communicate regularly through email and texting whether it is socially, for business purposes or for distance learning. Email and texting can be a great communication tools, but they have their downfalls. Due to the lack of facial expression, tone of voice and other nonverbal cues, the content of an email/text can easily be misunderstood. I have found myself reading an email trying to figure out what the person really meant. Sometimes emails from students seem rather rude or abrasive as compared to my interaction in the traditional classroom. I have to stop and think that possibly some of the emails I send may also have a tone other than what I intended. Please discuss your thoughts and experiences in dealing with this topic. What can be done to prevent misunderstandings when communicating by email or text? How can we improve our communication and relationships with others through these types of media?


Expert Solution

Steps that can be taken to avoid email & text misunderstandings:

  • Always reading & re-reading the text before it has to be sent: responding to any mail in a moment is not a good practice. Sufficient time needs to be taken to draft a message. Once the message is drafted, it is necessary to read it or edit it & possibly completely re-write it before sending. This kind of practice can avoid misunderstandings & misinterpretations.
  • Spell & grammar check to be carried: first impression must not be wrong because of grammar or spell check. Hence we have to take pride in writing which says a lot about whom we are. If sufficient attention is not paid to our message, then how will our customer or client pay attention to us?
  • It is necessary to remember that email & texting aren’t conversations: the message must be both concise & clear. It is necessary to avoid messages like thanks, yes, no, I agree when responding to a message without clarifying it.
  • Calling the person would be the best option rather than sending messages again & again: email & texting has a time & place but they are not equal to conversations. At times unintended messages can be delivered as we won’t be aware what would be the speaker’s tone in the mind of the reader. Hence placing a call & having a discussion would ensure timely delivery of message.
  • Effective communication: this is possible only when verbal & non verbal messages are in sync. Words are less than 10% of any messages. So when the message is only what is written, they are not being delivered which can lead to misinterpretation. Hence emailing & texting alone will not pave way for an effective communication. Either a phone or a face to face meeting is considered to be more effective.

How to improve relationships & communications:

  • Through usage of social Medias we can improve our relationships & communications by creating groups & by being part of the group through which we can share our ideas & views with others which can help in building good relationships.
  • After sending of messages, there can be chances that the person may not take notice of the message. May be we can make a phone call & have a short conversation with the other person which can also ensure that intended message has been delivered & build strong relationships.
  • At intervals people can also have face to face discussion or a get together in spite of texting which can also help in good communications & relationship building.

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