
In: Computer Science

Write C++ program Consider the following SimpleString class: class simpleString {     public:          simpleString( );...

Write C++ program

Consider the following SimpleString class:

class simpleString



         simpleString( );                                 // Default constructor

         simpleString(int mVal );                    // Explicit value constructor

         ~simpleString() { delete [ ] s;}          // Destructor

void readString();                              // Read a simple string

         void writeString() const;                    // Display a simple string

char at(int pos) const;                       // Return character at (pos)

         int getLength() const;                        // Return the string length

         int getCapacity() const;                     // Return the string capacity

         void copyContents(char[ ]) const;     // Copy the contents into an array


         int capacity;                                      // maximum size

           char *s;                                             // pointer to a dynamic storage array

         int length;                                         // current length


Add to the above class the following two public member function:

  1. A function eraseToEnd (p) to erase all characters starting from position (p) in the string to the end of the string.
  2. A function findsub (SimpleString sub). The function should return the position of start of substring (sub) in the string. If (sub) does not exist in the string, the function returns -1


Consider the problem of searching in a string of text T[0 .. n-1] for a substring that matches a pattern P[0..m-1]. A simple Brute Force algorithm is:

ALGORITHM StringMatch (T[0..n-1], P[0..m-1])


      for i = 0 to n-m


         j = 0;

         while ( (j < m) AND (P[j] == T[i + j]) ) j++;

         if ( j == m) return i;


            return -1;


Implement the function findsub (SimpleString sub) using the above algorithm.

Provide the implementation of the above two functions.


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

class simpleString

   int capacity; // maximum size

   char* s; // pointer to a dynamic storage array

   int length; // current length


   simpleString() // Default constructor
       capacity = 10;
       s = new char[capacity];
       length = 0;

   simpleString(int mVal) // Explicit value constructor
       capacity = mVal;
       s = new char[mVal];

   { delete[] s; } // Destructor Deleting dynamic character array in the end of program

   void readString() // Read a simple string
       cout << "Enter the string:" << endl;
       cin >> s;

       while (s[length] != '\0')
           length = length + 1;


   void writeString() const // Display a simple string
       cout << "Displaying the String" << endl << endl;
       for (int i = 0; i<=length; i++)
           cout << s[i];

   char at(int pos) const // Return character at (pos)
       if (pos < length && pos < capacity)
           return s[pos];

   int getLength() const // Return the string length
       cout << "Length:" << endl;
       return length;

   int getCapacity() const // Return the string capacity
       cout << "Capacity:" << endl;
       return capacity;

   void copyContents(char a[]) const // Copy the contents into an array
       cout << "Copying contents into an array" << endl;
       for (int i = 0; a[i] != '\0'; i++)
           s[i] = a[i];


   void eraseToEnd(int p)
       cout << "Erasing elements from p to the end" << endl;
       //entereing -1 means erasing and reducing length
       length = p;

       for (int i = p; s[i] != '\0'; i++)
           s[i] = -1;


   int findSub(simpleString sub)

       for (int i = 0; i < (length - sub.length); i++)
           int j = 0;
           while (j < sub.length && (sub.s[j] == s[i + j]))
           if (j == sub.length)
               return i;

       return -1;


int main()
   simpleString obj(20);
   cout <<"at 5th index "<<<<endl;
   cout << "Length of string:" << obj.getLength() << endl;


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