What is a Bessel Differential Equation? Classify Bessel Equation
with respect to its order, linearity and...
What is a Bessel Differential Equation? Classify Bessel Equation
with respect to its order, linearity and homogeneity. How many
independent solutions of Bessel Differential equation are needed to
construct general solution?
Solve the following problems.
a) What is the order of the differential equation ? ′ = ? 2 − 3?
− 10? Is it linear ?
b) Determine whether the differential equation ? ′ = ? 2 − 3? −
10 possesses constant solutions. If yes find these constant
c) Find the value(s) of ? so that the function ? = ? ?? is a
solution of ? ′′ − 3? ′ − 10? = 0.
Do you think...
1. What is a differential?
2. What is a differential equation?
3. Besides the fact that you might need the course to graduate, how might differential equations be useful to you in real life?
A 2nd order homogeneous linear differential equation has
odd-even parity. Prove that if one of its
solutions is an even function and the other can be constructed as
an odd function.
Prove that for an nth order differential equation whose
auxiliary equation has a repeated complex root a+bi of multiplicity
k then its conjugate is also a root of multiplicity k and that the
general solution of the corresponding differential equation
contains a linear combination of the 2k linearly independent
xe^(ax)cos(bx), x^2e^(ax)cos(bx),..., x^(k-1)e^(ax)cos(bx)
e^(ax)sin(bx), xe^(ax)sin(bx), x^2e^(ax)sin(bx),...,
The differential equation representing the family of ellipse having foci either on the x axis or on the y axis centre at the origin and passing through the point (0, 3) is