In: Electrical Engineering
Create a 4-bit full adder design using VHDL in vivado 2017.2.
Project description: You need to create a vhd file for the four-bit full adder.
Note: Instead of using bit, please use std_logic; instead of using bit_vector, please use std_logic_vector.
One simulation source is required, i.e. testbench
Please don't write out on paper. Code written out in text or screen shots would be very much apprecitated.
ibrary ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity andGate is
port( A, B : in std_logic;
F : out std_logic);
end andGate;
architecture func of andGate is
F <= A and B;
end func;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity xorGate is
port( A, B : in std_logic;
F : out std_logic);
end xorGate;
architecture func of xorGate is
F <= A xor B;
end func;
orGate.vhd :
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity orGate is
port( A, B : in std_logic;
F : out std_logic);
end orGate;
architecture func of orGate is
F <= A or B;
end func;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity halfAdder is
port( A, B : in std_logic;
sum, Cout : out std_logic);
end halfAdder;
architecture halfAdder of halfAdder is
component andGate is
port( A, B : in std_logic;
F : out std_logic);
end component;
component xorGate is
port( A, B : in std_logic;
F : out std_logic);
end component;
G1 : xorGate port map(A, B, sum);
G2 : andGate port map(A, B, Cout);
end halfAdder;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fullAdder is
port( A, B, Cin : in std_logic;
sum, Cout : out std_logic);
end fullAdder;
architecture fullAdder of fullAdder is
component halfAdder is
port( A, B : in std_logic;
sum, Cout : out std_logic);
end component;
component orGate is
port( A, B : in std_logic;
F : out std_logic);
end component;
signal halfTohalf, halfToOr1, halfToOr2: std_logic;
G1: halfAdder port map(A, B, halfTohalf, halfToOr1);
G2: halfAdder port map(halfTohalf, Cin, sum, halfToOr2);
G3: orGate port map(halfToOr1, halfToOr2, Cout);
end fullAdder;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity fullAdder_tb is
end fullAdder_tb;
architecture tb of fullAdder_tb is
component fullAdder is
port( A, B, Cin : in std_logic;
sum, Cout : out std_logic);
end component;
signal A, B, Cin, sum, Cout : std_logic;
mapping: fullAdder port map(A, B, Cin, sum, Cout);
--concurrent processes
Cin <= '0'; wait for 5 ns;
Cin <= '1'; wait for 5 ns;
end process;
variable errCnt : integer := 0;
A <= '0';
B <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
assert(sum = '0') report "Error in Sum" severity error;
assert(Cout = '1') report "Error in Cout" severity error;
if(sum /= '1' or Cout /= '0') then
errCnt := errCnt + 1;
end if;
A <= '1';
B <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
assert(sum = '1') report "Error in Sum" severity error;
assert(Cout = '1') report "Error in Cout" severity error;
if(sum /= '0' or Cout /= '1') then
errCnt := errCnt + 1;
end if;
A <= '1';
B <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
assert(sum = '0') report "Error in Sum" severity error;
assert(Cout = '1') report "Error in Cout" severity error;
if(sum /= '1' or Cout /= '0') then
errCnt := errCnt + 1;
end if;
if(errCnt = 0) then
assert false report " Testing is successful as no error occurred "
severity note;
assert false report "Testing is not successful as errors occurred"
severity note;
end if;
end process;
end tb;
configuration cfg_tb of fullAdder_tb is
for tb
end for;
end cfg_tb;