In: Statistics and Probability
below is a data set from citizens of two different countries. These citizens were asked to rate the NHL (National Hockey League) from 1 to 10. Calculate the summary statistics to answer a - d.
a. Which group seems to give more positive ratings? Calculate and report the summary statistics that''ll help you answer this question.
b. How much do citizens from the US vary in their ratings of the NHL? Calculate and report the summary statistics that would help you answer this question.
c. How much do citizens from Canada vary in their ratings of the NHL? Calculate and report the summary statistics that would help you answer this question.
D. How do citizens from both the US and Canada compare in terms of dispersion of their ratings of the NHL?
US n=8 Variance = 2.5 Standard Dev = 1.58 Canada n=7 Variance=5.55 Standard Dev = 2.36
10 8
9 7
9 4
9 4
8 3
8 2
6 1
a. Which group seems to give more positive ratings? Calculate and report the summary statistics that'll help you answer this question.
Answer: We can find the median of the given data in order to check which one has a more positive rating.
The median for the US is:
The median for Canada is:
Therefore, the US group seems to give more positive ratings.
b. How much do citizens from the US vary in their ratings of the NHL? Calculate and report the summary statistics that would help you answer this question.
Answer: The variance is 2.5, therefore, the citizens from the US vary in their ratings of the NHL by 2.5 ratings.
c. How much do citizens from Canada vary in their ratings of the NHL? Calculate and report the summary statistics that would help you answer this question.
Answer: The variance is 5.55, therefore, the citizens from Canada vary in their ratings of the NHL by 5.55 ratings.
D. How do citizens from both the US and Canada compare in terms of dispersion of their ratings of the NHL?
Answer: The citizens from the US are less dispersed of their ratings of the NHL compared to the citizens from Canada.