
In: Operations Management

What are the advantages and disadvantages of privatization and intergovernmental and intragovernmental competition? In addition to...

What are the advantages and disadvantages of privatization and intergovernmental and intragovernmental competition? In addition to your own post, please respond to the posts of at least two other mambers of the class


Expert Solution


What are the advantages and disadvantages of privatization and intergovernmental and intragovernmental competition-


privatization is the process where the ownership of the business is transfered from the public sector or government business to private sector or private non profit organization.

advantages of provatization-

  • it helps the governement to put all the risks in the hands of private enterprises.
  • private sector is more adaptive & responsive to customers & thier complaints.
  • the management in privatization is more effective than public sector.
  • government's interference becomes less in privatization.
  • decision making in privatization is less time consuming.
  • Competition in privatization increases differentiation.


  • the privatization is expensive & requires funds to pay specailist & managers in private enterprises.
  • governement sold public companies to private secor too easiliy which provide less revenue to governement.
  • financial problem may occur.
  • concentration of exconomy
  • No Guarantee of Success as many private companies had suffered huge losses.

intergovernmental competition-

intergovernmental competition is the competition between the wo or more different governement of the coountry for example- fedral governement with state government.


  • more concentration on the growth of economy.
  • decentralization of power
  • no monopoly


  • overutilization of country's resources
  • intereferance in the matters of each other.

intragovernmental competition-

intragovernmental competition is the competition among the department or agencies fo same governement or within the governmenet.

advantages of intragovernmental competitions-

  • competition may create high efficeincy among the governmental employees.
  • it would help the agency or department to make effective decisions regrading tex laws, policies etc.
  • better distribution of goods & services.

disadvantages of intragovernmental competition-

  • risk of unhealthy competition within the same government
  • overutilization of governement funds for the sake of competition.

* above answer is written in my own words. hope this answer would help you.good luck & rate.

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