
In: Economics

3. From the article: “Some states are trying to address the issue themselves. Iowa has told...

3. From the article: “Some states are trying to address the issue themselves. Iowa has told employers to report employees who refuse offers to come back [to work].” Should employees be forced to return to work? Suggest another strategy that states could use to encourage workers to return to work voluntarily.


Expert Solution

Employees shouldn't be forced to come to work. Threatening they with cutting of employment Benefits and asking them to choose between health and work will only worsen the situation. Following strategies can be adopted to deal with the issue.

* Provide the Employees with an opportunity to be familiar with digital working .

It's not a difficult task as we are living in an era of artificial intelligence. Employers should make the company or work go digital. In this way, it will be possible for the employees to work from home rather than coming to work in fear of endangering their lives. It will also increase their productivity by boosting their confidence.

* Make health of Employees the top priority

> Testing

The infected must be detected. Other wise the virus will be carried to work place and result will the loss of lives.Testing facility for the virus must be made available widely.lnfact, everyone should be tested since , there have been instances people with out symptoms being tested positive for the virus.

> Seperation of healthy people from others.

Aged workers, pregnant women and people with health issues should not be forced to come to work. Only those who are perfectly healthy and who has a strong immune system should be allowed to come to work

> Social distancing.

Even at the work place, arrangement must be made for social distancing.All those necessary items like handwash,sanitisers and masks should be made available.

> Workers should be provided with flexible working schedules .

Moreover, employers should provide an assurance that , they value the lives of their employees and there won't be any potential threats to it.

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