In: Economics
Answer :-
Agency Relationship :-
A relationship between two parties in which one party (the agent) agrees to represent or act for the other party (the principal).
A legal relationship in which one person or entity (the principal) appoints another person or entity (the agent) to act on his behalf.
Duties of Agents:-
An agent must obey reasonable instructions given by the P. The A must not do acts that have not been expressly or impliedly authorized by the P. The A must use reasonable care and skill in performing the duties. Most importantly, the A must be loyal to the P.
Principal Relationship :-
principal is a person, legal or natural, who authorizes an agent to act to create one or more legal relationships with a third party.
Duties of Principal to Agent:-
Compensation (as specified in the contract), indemnification (to pay for losses agent incurs while acting for principal), reimbursement, good faith
Capacity of a Principal :-
If the principal is a minor or an incompetent not under a guardianship, his appointment of another of another to act as an agent is voidable as are any resulting contracts with third parties