
In: Computer Science

Language: c++ using visual basic Write a program to open a text file that you created,...

Language: c++

using visual basic

Write a program to open a text file that you created, read the file into arrays, sort the data by price (low to high), by box number (low to high), search for a price of a specific box number and create a reorder report. The reorder report should alert purchasing to order boxes whose inventory falls below 100. Sort the reorder report from high to low. Inventory data to input. Box number Number boxes in stock Price per box 202020 120 2.99 121202 50 .92 201620 340 1.03 242424 10 3.50 373737 200 9.00 723636 2 10.00 241206 100 2.10 363636 120 9.50 101010 1000 .10 101210 200 6.80 Requirements: 1. Save the data to a text file. Create the file in either Note Pad or other text editor. 2. In the program, read the data into arrays. 3. Use a menu driven program with the following choices: a. Display the data b. Sort the data by price, low to high c. Sort the data by box number, low to high d. Look up the price of a box given the box number (do a binary search) e. Reorder report. Report any item with number of boxes below 100. Sort the output from high to low. f. Exit the program 4. Each of the above options should be a function 5. Output must be labeled and easy to read 6. Appropriately pass parameters, declare local variables and use arrays. 7. Program must be documented with comments explaining what the code does


Expert Solution

Input file : ( inventory.txt )

202020 120 2.99
121202 50 .92
201620 340 1.03
242424 10 3.50
373737 200 9.00
723636 2 10.00
241206 100 2.10
363636 120 9.50
101010 1000 .10
101210 200 6.80

C++ Program :

#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
#define size 10000

// Displays the current Inventory Data
void Display(int box_nums[],int nboxes[],double ppBox[],int n) // Prints Box number , number of boxes and price per box.
        cout<<"Box number     Number of boxes in stock       Price per box"<<"\n";
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
                cout<<box_nums[i]<<"                  "<<nboxes[i]<<"                      "<<ppBox[i]<<"\n";

// sort's the inventory data according to the price per box from low to high
void sortByPrice(int box_nums[],int nboxes[],double priceBox[],int n)
    int i, j, min_idx , temp2; 
        double temp;
    for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) 
        min_idx = i;                 // min_idx is used to store data in ascending order
        for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)    // used selection sort to sort the data based on price per box
          if (priceBox[j] < priceBox[min_idx]) 
            min_idx = j; 
                temp = priceBox[min_idx];
                priceBox[min_idx] = priceBox[i]; // temp is a variable to swap data
                priceBox[i] = temp;

                temp2 = nboxes[min_idx];
                nboxes[min_idx] = nboxes[i];    // temp2 is a variable to swap data
                nboxes[i] = temp2;

                temp2 = box_nums[min_idx];
                box_nums[min_idx] = box_nums[i];
                box_nums[i] = temp2;

// sort's the inventory data according to Box number from low to high
void sortByBoxNumber(int box_nums[],int nboxes[],double priceBox[],int n)
    int i, j, min_idx , temp2; 
        double temp;
    for (i = 0; i < n-1; i++) 
        min_idx = i;  // min_idx is used to store data in ascending order
        for (j = i+1; j < n; j++)
          if (box_nums[j] < box_nums[min_idx])  // used selection sort to sort the data based on price per box
            min_idx = j; 

                temp2 = box_nums[min_idx];
                box_nums[min_idx] = box_nums[i];
                box_nums[i] = temp2;

                temp = priceBox[min_idx];
                priceBox[min_idx] = priceBox[i];
                priceBox[i] = temp;

                temp2 = nboxes[min_idx];
                nboxes[min_idx] = nboxes[i];
                nboxes[i] = temp2;        

// Searches for the price per box of the corresponding box number entered by user.
double lookUpByBoxNumber(int boxNumber,int box_nums[],double priceBox[],int n) 
        int low =0, high = n-1;
        int mid;
        while(low <= high)    // used binary search to search for the corresponding box number and its price-per-box
                mid = low + (high-low)/2;

                if(box_nums[mid] > boxNumber)
                        high = mid - 1;
                else if(box_nums[mid] == boxNumber)
                        return priceBox[mid];
                        low = mid + 1;
        return -1;

//Reordered the data whose number of boxes are less than 100
void reorderReport(int box_nums[],int nboxes[],int n)
        int reorderBoxNums[n],reorderBoxes[n],k=0;
        for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
                if(nboxes[i] < 100)
                        reorderBoxNums[k] = box_nums[i];
                        reorderBoxes[k] = nboxes[i];
    int i, j, max_idx , temp2; 
    for (i = 0; i < k-1; i++)      // sorts the data in reordered data according to number of boxes in inventory from low to high
        max_idx = i; 
        for (j = i+1; j < k; j++)
          if (reorderBoxes[j] > reorderBoxes[max_idx]) 
            max_idx = j; 

                temp2 = reorderBoxes[max_idx];
                reorderBoxes[max_idx] = reorderBoxes[i];
                reorderBoxes[i] = temp2;

                temp2 = reorderBoxNums[max_idx];
                reorderBoxNums[max_idx] = reorderBoxNums[i];
                reorderBoxNums[i] = temp2;
        cout<<"REORDERED REPORT IS: \n";
        cout<<"The boxes in invetory whose stock are less than 100 are: \n";
        cout<<"Box number       Number of boxes in stock"<<"\n";
        for(int i=0 ; i<k; i++)
                cout<<reorderBoxNums[i]<<"             "<<reorderBoxes[i]<<"\n";
int main()

        std::fstream myfile("inventory.txt");
        int box_number[size] , numberOfBoxes[size] ;
        double pricePerBox[size],sp;
        int bn ,nb,i = 0;
        while(myfile >> bn >> nb >> sp)  // fetch data from file inventory.txt
                box_number[i] = bn;
                numberOfBoxes[i] = nb;
                pricePerBox[i] = sp;

        int n = i, bnumber ; // n stores number of records in file  , bnumber is the box number which is to be searched for price-per-box by user 
        double val;       // val is variable used for value stored from lookup by box-number
        char option;  
        bool exit = true; // exit variable to exit the while loop

        // Menu for the user
        cout<<"\nChoose a option in the Menu a/b/c/d/e/f :"<<"\n";
        cout<<"a. Display the data"<<"\n";
        cout<<"b. Sort data by price, low to high"<<"\n";
        cout<<"c. Sort data by box number, low to high"<<"\n";
        cout<<"d. Look up the Price of the box given the box number"<<"\n";
        cout<<"e. Generate Reorder Report"<<"\n";
        cout<<"f. Exit"<<"\n";

                cout<<"Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : ";

                        case 'a':
                        case 'b':
                                                cout<<"Data has been Successfully sorted by price"<<"\n";
                                                cout<<"Please, choose option 'a' to display sorted data"<<"\n";
                        case 'c':
                                                cout<<"Data has been Successfully sorted by Box Number"<<"\n";
                                                cout<<"Please, choose option 'a' to display sorted data"<<"\n";
                        case 'd':
                        cout<<"Enter the box number for which you want to search the price : ";
                                                val = lookUpByBoxNumber(bnumber,box_number,pricePerBox,n);
                                                if(val < 0)
                                                        cout<<"There is no price of the box for the box number you are searching for\n";
                                                        cout<<"The price-per-box of the Box-Number you searched is "<<val<<"\n";
                        case 'e':
                        case 'f':
                                                exit = false;
                        default :   
                                                cout<<"Invalid options , enter a valid option"<<"\n";


        return 0;

Output :

Choose a option in the Menu a/b/c/d/e/f :
a. Display the data
b. Sort data by price, low to high
c. Sort data by box number, low to high
d. Look up the Price of the box given the box number
e. Generate Reorder Report
f. Exit
Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : a
Box number Number of boxes in stock Price per box
202020 120 2.99
121202 50 0.92
201620 340 1.03
242424 10 3.5
373737 200 9
723636 2 10
241206 100 2.1
363636 120 9.5
101010 1000 0.1
101210 200 6.8
Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : b
Data has been Successfully sorted by price
Please, choose option 'a' to display sorted data
Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : a
Box number Number of boxes in stock Price per box
101010 1000 0.1
121202 50 0.92
201620 340 1.03
241206 100 2.1
202020 120 2.99
242424 10 3.5
101210 200 6.8
373737 200 9
363636 120 9.5
723636 2 10
Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : c
Data has been Successfully sorted by Box Number
Please, choose option 'a' to display sorted data
Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : a
Box number Number of boxes in stock Price per box
101010 1000 0.1
101210 200 6.8
121202 50 0.92
201620 340 1.03
202020 120 2.99
241206 100 2.1
242424 10 3.5
363636 120 9.5
373737 200 9
723636 2 10
Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : d
Enter the box number for which you want to search the price : 242424
The price-per-box of the Box-Number you searched is 3.5
Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : e
The boxes in invetory whose stock are less than 100 are:
Box number Number of boxes in stock
121202 50
242424 10
723636 2
Enter your choice a/b/c/d/e/f : f

Screenshot of outputs :

i hope it helps..

If you have any doubts please comment and please don't dislike.


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