
In: Computer Science

What is the output of the following program? #include <iostream> using namespace std; void showDouble(int); //Function...

  1. What is the output of the following program?

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

void showDouble(int); //Function prototype

int main()


int num;

for (num = 0; num < 10; num++)


return 0;


// Definition of function showDouble

void showDouble(int value)


cout << value << ‘\t’ << (value * 2) << endl;


Please do the following Program and hand in the code and sample runs.

  1. Write a program using the following function prototypes:
    • double getLength();
    • double getWidth();
    • double getArea(double len, double wid);
    • void displayData(double len, double wid, double area);

Write function main which calls these four functions. In your function definitions make sure that the length and width are positive numbers.

Hand in 2 runs showing valid and invalid data.


Expert Solution

/*If you any query do comment in the comment section else like the solution*/

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main {     
        public static Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        public static void main(String[]args) {
                double length;
                double width;           
                double area;    
                length = getLength();           
                width = getWidth();
                area = calculateArea(length, width);
                printResults(length, width, area);
        private static void printResults(double length, double width, double area) {
                System.out.printf("Dimensions: %.1f X %.1f\n", length, width);          
                System.out.printf("Area: %.2f\n", area);
        private static double calculatePerimeter(double length, double width) {
                return (2*(length + width));            
        private static double calculateArea(double length, double width) {
                return (length*width);
        private static double getWidth() {
                double width;
                do {
                        System.out.print("Enter the width: ");
                        width = keyboard.nextDouble();
                        if(width <= -1) {
                                System.out.println("Width must be positive! Try Again");
                }while(width <= -1);
                return width;   
        private static double getLength() {
                double length;
                do {
                        System.out.print("Enter the width: ");
                        length = keyboard.nextDouble();
                        if(length <= -1) {
                                System.out.println("Width must be positive! Try Again");
                }while(length <= -1);
                return length;          

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