
In: Computer Science

The code in this question shows three ways that one can read data from a file...

The code in this question shows three ways that one can read data from a file in a Python program.

Answer the following questions:

  • Using the code as an example, explain why Python is a fixed format programming language.
  • Describe what would be output for each of the print statements in the code listing.
  • Given the difference in output, explain the different roles of readLine(), readLines(), and read() functions.

with open("rainfall.txt","r") as inFile:

   aLine = inFile.readLine()

with open("rainfall.txt", "r") as inFile:

  lineList = inFile.readLines()

with open("rainfall.txt", "r") as inFile:

  fileString =





Expert Solution

Note - Since i dont have access to rainfall.txt file. I will explain you the roles of readLine(), readLines(), and read() functions though my text file-test.txt

Consider below text file -

(1) Now if use read() function here -


with open(filepath,"r") as inFile:
fileString =


Output :

I am LINE 1
I am LINE 2
I am LINE 3

Explanation - read() function basically reads the entire file and returns it if no size is mentioned.It accepts size as parameter i.e. read(size) . if size is mentioned then it returns quantity of data equal to size.Look at below example where i have given size as 15 -


with open(filepath,"r") as inFile:
fileString =


Output :

I am LINE 1
I a

(2) if we use readline() function -


with open(filepath,"r") as inFile:
aLine = inFile.readline()


Output :

I am LINE 1

Explanation - readline() function reads single line from the file. So only line 1 is is read and displayed. if you wish to read next line using readline() function , then use readline() function again as shown below


with open(filepath,"r") as inFile:
aLine = inFile.readline()
bLine = inFile.readline()


Output :

I am LINE 1

I am LINE 2

(3) if we use readlines() function -


with open(filepath,"r") as inFile:
lineList = inFile.readlines()


Output :

['I am LINE 1\n', 'I am LINE 2\n', 'I am LINE 3\n', 'END OF LINES']

Explanation - readlines() function returns all the lines in a file in the list format where each element in the list is line from the file.

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